Men's Group
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This message was self-deleted by its author (kjones) on Tue Jul 1, 2014, 02:05 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(33,224 posts)ProudToBeBlueInRhody
(16,399 posts)I don't give a fuck what some Thatcher loving Tory, or a guy who thinks Hillary Clinton is the worst person in the world thinks, really. Sounds like it was basically a right-wing confab.
(1,059 posts)I would be interested, however, in what that background is.
Care to inform me?
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)this article by Glenn Reynolds about this gathering of Men's Rights Activists. Obviously there's a great deal of sympathy for the A Voice For Men agenda here, so that is why people post about it in this group.
(16,399 posts)But I'm sure you're doing a happy dance to get the chance to run in and make it appear so after a failed attempt yesterday.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)mainstream of the group?
The person who created the group and who wrote every letter of its FAQ?
Not buying it. The thread about how women are more violent than men and commit the majority of domestic violence from the other day is exactly what one would expect from the attendees of the MRAfest in Detroit.
Also note that MRAfest attendee Warren Farrell has received universal praise and outspoken support from this forum's members and especially some of its hosts.
Response to geek tragedy (Reply #7)
Post removed
(1,059 posts)I am now self deleting because I feel uncomfortable posting the story and
Let me be equally clear that in my poor review of the piece, I initially found it
relatively neutral in it's expression and bias. That said, I passed up posting it in
other spots on DU because I thought it (moderate, as I believed it to be at the time)
wouldn't be appreciated as much elsewhere as here. That is the only reason
I chose to post it here.
Without being too forward, let's just agree that calls to moderation aren't exactly
big sells around here. Not much anymore anyway.
And really, let's be honest, everyone knows that practically nothing "goes on" at
the men's group. What, two or three posts a week average? Not exactly a hive of
activity. Not a "great deal" of anything here.
geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)So obviously he'd write a positive review of a bunch of extreme rightwing assholes getting together.
The women and men present were unified in being rightwing asshole misogynists.
There were prison rape jokes at this conference. And the Neanderthals also laughed at campus rape. Reynolds omitted this quote from Barbara Kay at the conference.
Rape on college campuses, she added, was a myth perpetrated by man-haters, and the concept of rape culture, how society can tacitly approve of or rationalize sexual assault, was baseless moral panic.
The vast majority of female students allegedly raped on campus are actually voicing buyers remorse from alcohol-fueled promiscuous behavior involving murky lines of consent on both sides, she said, drawing chuckles from the audience. Its true. Its their get-out-of-guilt-free card, you know like Monopoly. The chuckles turned to guffaws.
So, yeah, rightwing bigots get along just smashingly with one another.
The only non-misogynists in attendance were the liberal reporters covering the atrocities.
(1,059 posts)After looking into it more, I'm choosing to self delete this OP.
Not because of any kind of response it received, but because
after looking into it more, I'm not entirely sure the individuals
involved are something I can "sign off on" personally, and I
don't feel comfortable posting it. If someone else wishes to
copy-paste the source I had posted, more power to them.
I'm don't wish to.
Whether or not the OP source material genuinely meant it or
not, an equal gender alliance is something I do wish the world
had in strength. I think it would suit the world better the female
or male focused rights movements. It seems like something like
that may be a ways off. The responses to this post and responding
posts descended fairly quickly into name calling, nastiness, and
hidden posts, which is just...kind of sad.
Anyway, serves me right to have not read up in detail before posting
stories, but hey, I don't exactly devote my life to tallying up friends and