Men's Group
Related: About this forumwell since its porn month so here goes. why do some people assume porn is only pics of women
And videos with guys watching. Its like the whole internet porn thing passed them by. Is it just me or is there a huge disconnect for people who are actually internet savvy enough to use du.

(53,475 posts)loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Its obvious that some posters dont get that these fantasies are of both sexes and all groupings ie mfm mm ff fm mf fmf and every other connotation.
(53,475 posts)loli phabay
(5,580 posts)rrneck
(17,671 posts)Their ideology does. Or more specifically, the people that sold them their ideology do.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)The knowledge that porn is widespread and not what it was in the past when it was a guy with a dirty mag or a vhs.
(9,709 posts)They know full well women indulge in porn too, but it suits their purposes to pretend otherwise..
(16,399 posts)Every time I've been in a situation where I ended up watching porn with a woman, either in a group "Ha ha let's make fun of it" (while indulging our curiosity and new found freedom of being old enough to rent/buy it) scenario in college or something more intimate, it was always suggested by a woman.
Now, do I think women are running out to watch "rape porn" or extreme gonzo crap? No, and neither are many men (a key fucking point here). I find that just like in the real movies, women are drawn to the fancy Vivid and Wicked productions that parody current films or have a clearly romantic/couples spin to them. Or some of the really classy Euro-porn.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Last edited Tue Nov 19, 2013, 05:59 PM - Edit history (1)
I look good as a vampire, not the werewolf thing though lol
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)You cant even question how the fuck the thing is going to be defined, without being accused of apologia for the worst of whatever someone can find on google.
Its the UK, so the 1st Amendment doesn't apply, but I am pretty strong pro first amendment. I understand why it gives nazis the right to march, but that doesn't make me "pro nazi marches".
I think when you are talking about making it illegal for consenting adults to dramatize something in front of a camera, you're heading into murky legal territory.
And if course, right there in that thread are the people arguing that ALL porn is non-consensual, because women (and again, forgetting that porn isn't only women) aren't capable of consenting to be naked in front of a camera, ever.
(16,399 posts)Great, let's ban rape porn, whatever that is. It sounds terrible.
But considering there are people here who declare a mainstream movie "pro-rape" and "misogynist" because it depicted a rape (by an antagonist against a protagonist) and that therefore anyone who watches it and gives THE ENTIRE FILM a positive review must be also be "pro rape" and "misogynist", yeah, I want to be very careful who has the power to decide what is ok and what is not artistically.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The truly sad part is you have no shortage of those who lack the rhetorical skills to identify strawman gibberish or they simply pile on due to their own agenda so it's not even worth pointing it out. Anything reasonably intelligent gets drowned out by the background noise.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Though there are some argumemts that would transcend even the pope, dalai lama, bhudda, and even the great fishermen of the galilee.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)it doesn't take a whole lot of anything, except maybe wine, to make shit up out of whole cloth.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)RiffRandell
(5,909 posts)Last edited Sat Nov 23, 2013, 09:26 AM - Edit history (1)
I skimmed through it then decided it would be more productive to clean up the dog shit in my backyard and throw it over the fence with the shovel.
Sadly, since I keep up on it, it took less time to do that than load the responses in that thread, most of which then made me think of socks which thus inspired me to do the daily laundry.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)yeah, there's that.
(10,129 posts)

(5,909 posts)Never got that compliment before. Just stating the truth.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)I wonder if the person who wrote that realizes how much they insulted a small but extremely dedicated minority on this site, for whom the quixotic quest to rid the world of smut is not only a major issue, it is THE primary issue of our time.
Also, in reference to your OP, in my experience DU's demographic skews less towards "so which bittorrent client are you using" and more towards "I need to call my grandson to set the clock on my VCR again"
(16,399 posts)I've even gotten PMs about it from them.
But then, you read them long enough, and every once in awhile it slips out.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)loli phabay
(5,580 posts)The amateur world of porn is immense, just look at the number of porn sites that come up when you do a search. Many of the forums have many times the number of members of du, heck i was on one earlier and there were more people on camera at that time than have probuably been on du all day. Interestingly it was split three ways between male, female and couples.
(13,324 posts)Hence the "in their right mind" part.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)It is heterosexual privilege, as it were, in which people only see issues and concerns through the prism of heterosexuality. It is loosely tied to homophobia, but generally isn't a product of intense hate or fear, but rather ignorance or dismissiveness. I see much of the porn "debates" here as nothing but noise in most cases. There are some here who are so sex-negative it is like being at a purity ball. I also see quite a bit of ignorance, and some cases, downright naivety. One other thing I noticed is that many are stuck on visual aids (movies, internet pics), when pornography literally means writing of prostitutes, so some are forgetting there is a shit-load of porn out there that isn't visual at all.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)I agree with you in that i think it is a naivety about the range of sexuality and what porn actually available today.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)Some people lead very sheltered lives.
(29,257 posts)"Is sex dirty?"
"Only if you're doing it right."
(10,129 posts)"I don't know. I've never looked"
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)"Well, I practice a lot when I'm alone"
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)Some have a very "quaint" view of sex/sexuality.
True story:
When I was a resident director, I had a student come to me because she was considering having sex with her boyfriend. It would be her first time. We talked about a variety of things, including contraception. She said she wasn't worried about getting pregnant because it was her "first time." I laughed. I thought she was kidding. She wasn't. I had to literally explain the mechanics of sex. I then sent her to the Health Services department. I couldn't believe in 1994 someone thought this. Of course, 10 years later, similar situation (except I wasn't working in the same place).
(29,257 posts)Clearly there are some very angry people. But if one feels tremendous anger, it must be rationalized through the create of enemies surrounding oneself in order to justify those feelings.
Simply put, they NEED to create monsters to balance their internal world with the external world.
So no matter what is said, it goes through a filter that allows only the monstrous aspects of us to pass through. They NEED to see us as monsters, so they do.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)I also see forms of cognitive dissonance. Whatever the reasons, there are some who are so poisoned, that discussions with them are pointless (unless you can get a little giggle from it).
(32,886 posts)Most (99.999%) attempts to characterize porn as violence against women are examples of straight privilege and heterosexism.
I just don't have the time to deal with those same arguments over and over again that go nowhere and only result in straw men and ad-hominem attacks being thrown at you.
Whatever kind of porn is being discussed you are accused of liking if you argue 1st amendment and dont want it banned. Yeah, I really want to deal with that kind of a garbage discussion.
(29,257 posts)Rape videos... it is clear the a certain poster objects to men getting "their rocks off" (insert any other insulting, demeaning phrase for men masturbating here).
She can couch it behind "thai sex farms" or "rape increasing" or "warping young people's minds", but at the heart of it is an extreme bitterness towards the fact that men cast their "evil male gaze" upon women and revulsion against certain forms of sexual behavior that she finds offensive.
The proof of the pudding is that when asked if she is against fictional rape porn that is not commercial, she cannot answer.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)So it's helpful to have the Cliffs Notes version:
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)name not needed
(11,663 posts)
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)You know, good manners don't cost nothin'.
loli phabay
(5,580 posts)Warren DeMontague
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Since PIV is coercive and violent, you are building up erotoxins in your brain just by reading about the stuff.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Now it appears the fact that the two main contenders for the 2016 Democratic Nomination that DU is continually fighting over, are both female, is further proof of DU's misogyny.
Sure, seems legit.
(2,135 posts)complain in a weird way to keep happy.
(5,909 posts)Hence the starting of numerous threads on the same subject with a slight adjustment.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Complaining about the website is the primary appeal of the website.
(33,224 posts)Why do you hate Elizabeth Hillary? Is it because she's a woman??? Hmmm??