John Kerry
Related: About this forumSec. Kerry will be on Face the Nation tomorrow (March 27)'ll sit down with the secretary of state to discuss the bombings in Brussels, the fight against ISIS, and more

(10,117 posts)MBS
(9,688 posts)(Of course, I know you will )
Very, very strong statement about the state of the 2016 election and its negative impact on our global reputation.
Happy Easter!
(10,117 posts)....that who we choose as President sends a powerful message...either positive or the rest of the world. It's one reason I didn't think we should ever elect another Bush.
But this is almost as bad. Watching the Republicans publicly act like children is sending a different negative message. They were actually saying 'He did it first' about the pictures of their wives. Pathetic.
It makes our democracy seem like a joke, when we really need to appear strong, smart and united in our values. That HAS to make Kerry's job more difficult.
This is such a critical time for so many reasons. We need the continued leadership of SOS Kerry and President Obama, but we are about to lose it. 😢
Edited to add...
Happy Easter!!!🐣🐣🐰🐰
I agree with every word!
The Republican candidates - AND their ignorant, bigoted supporters - have already damaged our reputation. I can easily see why other countries are nervous and worried. I'm nervous and worried, too!
(10,117 posts)...reading about out of control parents at an Easter Egg hunt. They disregarded the rules. They knocked down kids.
I am very worried about the levels of civility in our country, especially when leaders don't see their importance as role models for society. Trump sets a tone that says incivility is okay...that being civil to others is being 'politically correct' and not a good idea. We need the opposite in a President.
And, of course, I keep remembering back to Kerry's Pepperdine speech where he stressed kindness and loving one another. 🇺🇸
(9,688 posts)Just appalling. On Easter. In front of kids.
I recently heard a great talk by Judge Jones (the guy who wrote the Dover (PA) decision on teaching evolution - school board vs Dover science teachers. .) .That trial was a model of exactly how society SHOULD work.
At one point Judge Jones said that he thought that our country was "having a collective nervous breakdown". That seems as good a description as any of what we're witnessing right now.
(10,117 posts) a good description. And we'd better start fixing that with our next President, whoever he/she is. I think the Dems know this. Some Republicans probably do, too. But, IMHO, the fix they believe in won't work. And then there is Trump and Cruz... 😖