Kerry letter on healthy school lunches that cites Andover MA as a model
This week, he sent a letter to the Townsman about the program, and the national Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act that he cosponsored.
"Parents here in Andover know firsthand the difference a healthy, balanced lunch can make in their child's development. Over the past five years, [Andover's] food services director Gail Koutroubas has led a revolution in her cafeterias, swapping candy bars for smoothie bars and trading greasy, processed meals for fresh vegetables and whole grains. Gone are powdered potatoes and salty, packaged spices, replaced with real red potatoes and fresh herbs from the school's garden," Kerry said.
They say that they will print the entire letter in a special healthy living section next week. The Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act was passed in 2010 - per this This is a 2010 bill that continues the School Nutrition Act Reauthorization - that has been renewed every 5 years for decades. )
It is really cool that they are growing food in a school garden - both for the educational aspect and it has to mean they have better food.