Hillary, like many professional women, on the horns of the dilemma
Chuck Todd speculated that Hillary's book will be used by Trump as red meat for the deplorables.
Perhaps. (And let's not react by trashing Todd)
I know that many professional women empathized with her agonizing thoughts about the debate. Do you really stand up to the creeps in your world - politics, office - and risk snide thoughts of "emotional woman, cannot take it like a man?" Or do you ignore and just continue with what you are doing, or saying?
I remember a similar - not creepy - situation during the 2008 debate. This was a sit down debate, Richardson and Edwards were still in the race. Before the start, the men were joking, perhaps even talking about recent ball games, while Hillary was sitting quietly, concentrating on what she wants to say, how she wants to react.
And in one of these moments, that I thought she won, someone on DU declared that this was when she was finished.
(Yes, DU was very misogynistic those days, more so than in 2016)