Hillary Clintons comeback tour to include a speech at Georgetown
Hillary has a lot of good she can and will do for folks left in her.
GREAT pic with that banner behind her.
Hillary Clintons comeback tour to include a speech at Georgetown
By Emily Heil March 27 at 8:46 AM
Hillary Clintons post-election agenda is looking familiar. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Out of the woods, indeed Hillary Clinton said earlier this month that shes ready to return to public life after a post-election-loss respite that included lots of strolls in her home town of Chappaqua, N.Y., and her dont-call-it-a-comeback tour will include a speech Friday at Georgetown University.
Clinton will talk about the role of women in securing last years Colombian peace agreement at a ceremony for an award named in her honor by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security. Thats a topic close to her as secretary of state, she supported the historic accord between the Colombian government and rebels that ended decades of violence.
And her appearance hints that her post-election agenda will look a lot like the one she championed as first lady, a senator and as SecState: focusing on women and girls around the world and their often-unsung role in the peace process.
Of course, the venue is an ultra-friendly one Clinton is the institutes founding chair, and its executive director is Melanne Verveer, Clintons longtime aide and confidante, who was her chief of staff in the White House and later was appointed first U.S. ambassador at large for global womens issues....................