Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumI give up.
After a convention of love, hope and inspiration...We only see a hate fest.
I tried here...in the Hill group. No one responded.
You all want to focus on the hateful GOP, a party that is in their death throes go for it. I want to focus on Hillary and our way forward.
To me. It is black and white.

(69,304 posts)And I'm with her! H--->
(90,286 posts)Love you Aristus.
I have no clue why Hill posts are sinking. She should be our focus.
Attack that maggot, yes indeed. Yet Hill should be at the top of the page not Donnie.
(69,304 posts)
It will stabilize down the road a little. Trump is a loose cannon; an attention-seeker. And he's getting it.
I'm reminded of the ancient Chinese curse; the one that doesn't sound like a curse until you think about it for a minute: "May you live in interesting times."
Trump is the reason we live in interesting times. And what a curse he is!
He's overshadowing what should be a progressive, transformative moment in American history: a woman is a major party candidate for the Presidency. And she's highly favored to win.
There will be more attention focussed on Trump in the weeks ahead; whatever goes on with the debates, the musings over the possibility of an October Surprise, the home stretch of the general.
When Hillary wins, Trump will fade like a photo in strong sunlight.
(90,286 posts)Everything you say is true.
Bottom line, she has this. I know this, I do. I knew it with Obama and I know this now, I am just a little cray cray right now.
(4,309 posts)I find the hate of Trump a total turn-off and don't even want to think about it. I loved watching the DNC.
We have an excellent candidate with a positive message and that is my focus. Not Trump or the Republicans.
(90,286 posts)
his mommy~
Democrats support both police and Black Lives Matter movement
Mothers of killed black men and women brought a lot of tears to a lot of eyes at the Democratic National Convention Tuesday as they called for peace between police and the communities they protect and serve — and for protecting black lives.
In the supposed divide between the Black Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter movements, Republicans at their convention last week focused on the second two — not the first. Democrats tried to stress unity as many in the audience chanted “Black Lives Matter.”
“This isn’t about being politically correct,” said Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton. “This is about saving our children.”
Very moving. And Hillary is serious about gun control.
(90,286 posts)Kath1
(4,309 posts)So many excellent moments at the DNC. I thought it was beautiful. A lot of it very moving and inspiring.
Donald who?
(90,286 posts)I fell asleep before her acceptance speech. I missed it. I spent 24 hours in two days taking care of my mom. I missed it, I fell asleep on the sofa. Sigh~
(4,542 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)Cary
(11,746 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)It was a powerful Facebook post by James Grissom that went viral and attracted a horde of haters as well as supporters. It was a very positive story.
(90,286 posts)I would love to read it, Ellen.
Ellen Forradalom
(16,179 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)I'll go take a look.
(3,958 posts)
(90,286 posts)Thanks John!
(30,058 posts)She listened, then she sets a plan of action. We will be rewarded for her work.
The RW liars are still promoting lies, I am going to make a list and as the RWers tells me another lie promoted by FOX I want to be ready to counteract. Like the Paul Manafort lie about ISIS starting in 2009, actually they worked with the insurgence in Iraq after Bush invaded Iraq in March 2003 and officially formed in October 2003, Bush was president.
(5,126 posts)positives on FB, hoping to counteract the garbage I see spewed there daily. Hopefully even convert a person or two!
(10,424 posts)anti Trump OPs.
(90,286 posts)Ours and our children's, I find nothing amusing about it.
(28,835 posts)GD became much more palatable after the rule changes, and we're (ostensibly) all supposed to be Hillary supporters now, so I've been spending most of my time in the main forums.
As for your message, it's spot on. The convention was remarkable, and there were a lot of very positive posts in GD and GD'16 every day it was on, as well as the days following.
As for the focus on the GOP, it's kind of human nature. They're the opposition and they do so much stupid shit that it's difficult to not pay a lot of attention to that. You're right in that we should prefer to focus on the positives -- even a better balance between the positive and negative would certainly be nice.
Short version: I get ya. lol
(90,286 posts)The good is falling away. I only see the anger now. We are better than just the anger. We saw hope at the convention. Four days of hope.
I kid you not, I am almost done in by Trump ruling the board.
We need to see the light.
(28,835 posts)I don't spend much time in the Trump threads. It's gotten to the point that he's so repetitively offensive that nothing he does really surprises me anymore, so I'm more resigned to the fact that he and roughly 40% of the country are nuts than angry about it. I think many still can't quite reconcile how we got here with Trump. It's kind of mind-boggling, and I think that's part of why it gets so much of the focus.
The media has also done a nice job of dragging the election down to Trump's level, i.e. everyone hates everything and everyone. But there are so many positives on the Hillary side that we need to focus on them whenever possible, and she (and we) is the only thing standing in the way of a Trump presidency.
(38,540 posts)U gives me a Sad.
(90,286 posts)Tired of fighting the bad guys. Also tired of our teams focus on Trump and not Hill.
I want to talk about us and not that piece of shit.
Hey, I sorry Shenmue.
(97,942 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)radical noodle
(9,549 posts)Trump is so disturbing it's stressful. I'm with you and her.
(90,286 posts)Thank you so much. WE are going to do this!
We are!
radical noodle
(9,549 posts)I saw a rally today somewhere in Ohio (on C-Span) and the people there were so enthusiastic... so excited to meet her. It was wonderful seeing her walking by people shaking hands, giving hugs, listening to kids, getting her picture taken with so many. She was so warm and gracious. I think anyone who sees her in person would have to love her.
(90,286 posts)I love it!
We will rock you~
(308,358 posts)Thank you for posting them in Hillary's Group.
Hillary Clinton
✔ @HillaryClinton
Let's go win this, together.
6:00 PM - 28 Jul 2016
13,623 13,623 Retweets 41,752 41,752 likes
Mahalo, Hibbing~
Nerdy Wonka @NerdyWonka
Hillary Clinton: "I accept your nomination for President of the United States!" #DemsInPhilly
4:52 PM - 28 Jul 2016
40 40 Retweets 62 62 likes
Mahalo, Nance~
Jim Roberts
✔ @nycjim
When you’re surprised by the sudden appearance of your Veep candidate.
5:29 PM - 28 Jul 2016
40 40 Retweets 97 97 likes
Ari Melber MSNBC
✔ @AriMelber
Shorter Hillary: I'm a wonk, I'm experienced, I'm a woman -- and I'm not apologizing for any of it.
4:58 PM - 28 Jul 2016
931 931 Retweets 1,405 1,405 likes
Alana Mooch @alamooch
Watching my 93 year old grandmother, a lifetime feminist and activist, cry at @HillaryClinton speaking.
5:01 PM - 28 Jul 2016
408 408 Retweets 1,021 1,021 likes
Hillary Clinton
✔ @HillaryClinton
So proud.
4:08 PM - 28 Jul 2016
9,600 9,600 Retweets 30,328 30,328 likes
Mahalo, DEMS.. Love you!!
Hillary Clinton
✔ @HillaryClinton
"This has been such an exciting...week!
We heard the man from Hope, Bill Clinton & the man of hope, Barack Obama."
7:32 AM - 29 Jul 2016
3,280 3,280 Retweets 14,557 14,557 likes
Rick S @gratepool
"So then Trump brought out Chachi and the Duck Dynasty Guy!"
5:38 PM - 28 Jul 2016
3,208 3,208 Retweets 5,868 5,868 likes
I post so late at night that there's not too many around to see them in Hill's Gr... so I've been posting in GD2016.. It's just really nice to be there without getting attacked by anyone.
Right this minute I am focusing on Gold Star Mother, Ghazala Khan and her husband Khizr..

'cause I love them all.
Thanks Cha, perfect!

(308,358 posts)

(90,286 posts)Lol~ Obama LHAO!
The one of Hill against the wall, no. Love that!Loved.
(74,452 posts)continue to do so. I, too, would love to get them to the Greatest pages.
Yesterday--Sunday, I posted this: (and give them a K and R if anyone wants to)
This one sank real quick--I just gave it a self K&R:
And a few in LBN:
(90,286 posts)Kick and rec em....all of them.
This from Durham D
You have to watch this! I was in tears.
(74,452 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)Ummm you could start by recing mine...........................
lol night~
(74,452 posts)sheshe2
(90,286 posts)I am gone.
(5,648 posts)DemonGoddess
(5,126 posts)kicking the positive posts whenever I see them.
(90,286 posts)
(15,539 posts)than aren't! Please don't give up!
(90,286 posts)I'm not going anywhere. We have an election to win and we will do it together.
(1,771 posts)I mean, what can be said about the Orange Blob that hasn't been said? I think anyone with more than one brain cell can see this 'thing' for what it is and nothing posted on DU is going to change the minds of the one brain cell crowd. Let the faux micro-journalists take on the Orange Blob.
I feel so damn good about having Hillary represent my party. What's that saying about how many muscles it takes to frown versus smiling. Well, fuck it. I'm smiling. Giving my face a work out.
(90,286 posts)I am smiling too.
We got this postatomic. We do.
(41,832 posts)because nothing is more fun or important than trashing Donald Trump.
He is a menace and needs every bit of "hate" we can throw his way.
His lies and nasty behavior needs to be called out at every turn.
Our future depends on it. He has to lose this election!!
(3,906 posts)has an honored place on my bookshelf. I have a Hillary bumper sticker on my car. I have admired her for years and know that she is not what the nasty GOPers have smeared her to be. I tell my friends why they need to love her too and vote for her in November. That said....I thoroughly enjoy every OP etc. that trashes Trump! And when CNN and MSNBC run segments like "Is Trump certifiably insane or does he just have a severe personality disorder?"...I love that too. Studies have shown (whether we like it or not) that negative ads are very effective. So I say KEEP EM COMING!
(3,300 posts)Its been quite here nobody is trashing any (R) party we have to do both in order to keep him from winning Dump Trump also......seems a lot people left here that where here.....