Hillary Clinton
Related: About this forumThis is day three.
The greatest page is, my guess 80% Trump bashing. Don't get me wrong, trashing that maggot is good for what he said to and about the Khans.
However there are some good posts about Hill on the board that are being ignored. They have dropped so far one may never find them. Here is one.
We need to prioritize, we need to talk about the magnificent presentation that our convention gave us. Hope, yes. Unity, yes. Stronger Together, yes. They showed us our proud beauty, resolution and dignity. We need to give equal time to our candidate and not just bash the opposition. They dug their hole, may they live there forever.
If we want to reach for the stars then we need to make them shine brighter than those dead souls that are the GOP.
Let's not put so much focus on the hate, we need the light that convention gave us.
Focus on the light.

(30,058 posts)As the most qualified candidate.
(90,286 posts)
(90,286 posts)radical noodle
(9,549 posts)Bashing Trump is easy for sure, but there's no guarantee someone will vote for Hillary if they don't vote for Trump. I sometimes forget that because my family is all on board with Hillary and has been from day one of her primary campaign. We have a lot to accomplish in three short months.
I hope the lack of interest in positive posts simply means that all here are now convinced by the convention that she's a great candidate.
(90,286 posts)Yes we need to trash Trump. Yet we need to build our candidate.
We need to talk about Hillary.
(15,539 posts)Thanks for focusing on the priorities, ss2!
(90,286 posts)When they go low we go high!
We soar.
(1,632 posts)

(90,286 posts)Love her and love u~
(1,632 posts)Love her and love you, too!!
(11,684 posts)The Donald is a black hole in the negative-attention department. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton & Tim Kaine are doing the work of actually campaigning, talking to people about ideas and policy.
Read something interesting today about Hillary's Pittsburgh rally. She apparently said she anticipates spending a good portion of her presidency on the road, reaching out to Americans across the country so that she can listen, observe and strategize how to implement the best programs to solve regional problems and reach as many people as quickly as possible. It weaves into her personal motto of doing the most good for the most people as long as you can. In this instance, she'll have the power of the presidency itself to maximize her reach. Town hall meetings are something HRC excels at, so I think this is a brilliant, novel way to rethink a President's domestic role. Take it off the pedestal, outside the normal Washington press conference and TV appearances and make it personal, person-to-person, eyeball-to-eyeball because when it comes to regional needs, one size does not fit all. It also makes sense, too, that Tim Kaine is uniquely qualified to hold down the fort in DC while these road trips proceed. Instead of the bully pulpit being riveted to the WH floor, Hillary plans to rip it up and take it on the road.
I like this idea. A lot.
I can hear the Republicans screeching already. Not to mention the Secret Service. I fully predict we will be surprised--in a good way--once Hillary Clinton takes office. She's going to do it her way.
So am I optimistic? Yes, but I still believe she needs to campaign as if she were 10 points behind. Because Trump and his sleazy entourage are willing to burn the place down to win in November. Hillary Clinton needs an indisputable, soul-trouncing lead to quell the madness. Maybe we should all take Warren Buffet's pledge--to take at least 10 people to the polls on November 8th.
If you can do it Omaha, you can do it anywhere!
(90,286 posts)Thank you for you awesome response. You really should make this an OP. Hill Group or DU 2016'
(11,684 posts)I thought of your post today with all the 'noise' about Trump's meltdown while Hillary was out in Colorado doing that weird thing . . . campaigning, talking about Made in America Manufacturers (like Colorado's Knotty Tie Company) and how her vision for growing American employment is positive and doable with right-headed investments in infrastructure, clean energy, advanced manufacturing, universal Internet access (both for kids and budding entrepreneurs at home). And most importantly investments in our own people, be it improved and more affordable healthcare options, child-care, equal-pay-for-equal work, expanded educational opportunities--reigniting apprenticeship training, for instance. These aren't revolutionary ideas. They're actually simple, pragmatic options that we've woefully ignored for too long.
What did strike me as quite unique is the connective nature of Hillary's vision; each idea links to the next, a step up, a step forward. It's a holistic approach to rebalancing things in the country, taking a good hard look at what works and what doesn't (trickle-down economics comes to mind), while supporting and improving the quality of lives in the now and in the future. This is the way we go forward. This is the way we create a cascade of progress that will endure for our kids and grand babies, all our kids and grand babies.
Can't wait to see the program gear up. Despite Trump's chest-beating and vacuous promises, Hillary Clinton and her team are already working on the details, sorting out the particulars.
She'll be ready on Day 1. Exciting!
(90,286 posts)You know it, peggysue.
(5,376 posts)Thank you for the exquisite photos of the stars whose lights we're blessed to behold. How I would love to have the opportunity to soar unfettered among those stars, enveloped in the beauty and silence that awaits me there. Maybe in my next life, huh? I'd join my beloved sister, who's already out there, I just know it, watching over me as she treks the universe, her beautiful spirit free at last.
In gratitude.
(90,286 posts)just not yet. We need you here, and it is not your time. She knows that.
Love talking to you, classof56...Love~
(5,376 posts)You say I'm needed here, and I can almost hear my sister's voice saying "Well, all righty now!" One of her favorite phrases.
Blessings to you, great love and very big hugs!
Have a wonderful weekend!
(90,286 posts)Love you~