A Memorial Day Truth

A Memorial Day Truth
By Walter Brasch
OpEdNews Op Eds 5/26/2014 at 06:31:43
The nation's politicians are going to Memorial Day rallies. There will be speeches and music. American flags and bunting will drape the stages. The politicians will tell us about the "ultimate sacrifices" American servicemen and women made. They will tell us how wonderful America is, how we are the best country in the world, how we defend freedom and remember those who put their lives on the line to do so. The crowds, whether a few or thousands, will applaud vigorously.
Here's what the politicians also won't say. They won't tell us that 41 Republican senators blocked legislation this past year to provide necessary funding for veterans health. They won't tell us that during the first years of the Iraq War, the quality of American-based hospitals had deteriorated to the point that it took a major newspaper series to expose what had happened and, finally, with politicians forced to look at despicable conditions, and shamed by their ignorance, there were some measures to improve the care for wounded soldiers after their lives were saved by courageous battlefield medics.
They won't tell us that members of Congress blocked significant increases in the foodstamp program or that governors and legislatures have not done what they should to care for the homeless. After all, the impoverished and homeless don't contribute to political campaigns. Of course, the politicians won't tell us that one-fourth of all adult homeless are veterans.
They won't tell us about veterans who came home from war, and then lost their jobs or homes during the Great Recession that followed the fraud and greed committed by the bankers and industrial giants who were able to become rich because government did little to protect the people.