Two senators want to declassify CIA report to expose use of ‘inhumane and brutal’ torture

Two senators want to declassify CIA report to expose use of ‘inhumane and brutal’ torture
By Reuters
Wednesday, April 2, 2014 13:19 EDT
By Patricia Zengerle and Mark Hosenball
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Two members of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee came out on Wednesday in favor of declassifying parts of a report on the CIA’s use of “enhanced interrogation” methods, saying they had concluded some detainees “were subjected to techniques that constituted torture.”
The announcement by Maine Senators Susan Collins, a Republican, and Angus King, an Independent aligned with the Democrats, was an important boost for the declassification push a day before the panel is expected to vote on the issue.
The committee had been expected to recommend the declassification of the “Findings & Conclusions” and Executive Summary from the 6,000-page report. Bipartisan support could increase the likelihood that the material will eventually become available to the public.
“This inhumane and brutal treatment never should have occurred,” the senators said in a joint statement. “Further, the report raises serious concerns about the CIA’s management of this program.”