It even shows donations from corporations when you click on a person's name. I wish it showed Russian kompromat, where applicable.
What struck me the most is that there's a handful of politicians at that level with a net worth of less than 100K, and some of them are getting up in years. YIKES! Perhaps hardship has befallen a number of them (even something as common as divorce), but it's possible some are terrible money managers and you wonder if that translates into their decision-making on the job.
Thanks for posting!
EDIT: Looking at it further, it indicates "disclosed holdings." Aren't members of Congress obligated to disclose? Wondering if this is a reflection of everyone's true net worth? Under the "net worth" tab, it shows stocks, mutual funds and bank accounts. What about the value of home(s) and vehicle(s)? Some might own multiple high-end homes.
Also interesting is some of the speculation/rumor you read on the internet compared to what is shown here. Prime example: I have seen more than once people asserting online that Bernie Sanders is worth something like $80 million, yet this website pegs his net worth at $955,000.