Koch group launches ground war — against GOP lawmaker
Source: The Hill
Koch group launches ground war — against GOP lawmaker
By Jonathan Swan - 05/26/16 03:22 PM EDT
RALEIGH, N.C. — The Koch-backed group Americans for Prosperity is pulling out all the stops to end Rep. Renee Ellmers’ career in Washington.
The group founded by billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch has dozens of field workers descending on the lawmaker’s district in the Raleigh suburbs, all of whom are working to brand the three-time incumbent as a fake conservative who has too often voted for legislation reaffirming Washington’s crony capitalism.
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This is the first time the Koch network has ever opposed a sitting Republican lawmaker facing a primary fight.
The final straw was Ellmers's support for the Export-Import Bank, the ultimate example of crony capitalism in many conservatives' eyes, because it provides government-backed loans to large corporations.
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