House to hold IRS ‘impeachment’ hearing for Koskinen over Lerner emails
Source: Washington Times (Sorry)
House to hold IRS ‘impeachment’ hearing for Koskinen over Lerner emails
By Stephen Dinan - The Washington Times - Friday, May 13, 2016
House Republicans on Friday announced hearings to investigate whether IRS Commissioner John Koskinen misled Congress and violated a subpoena, taking the first steps that could ultimately lead to his impeachment over the tax agency’s tea party targeting.
Impeachment is still very unlikely, particularly given the short amount of work days left in this Congress and in the Obama administration’s tenure overall.
But conservatives are intent on exploring Mr. Koskinen’s actions after the IRS was ordered to preserve and turn over documents related to targeting of tea party groups — and particularly emails from former senior executive Lois G. Lerner.
Mr. Koskinen’s accusers say he failed to comply with a congressional subpoena on those documents, and instead he allowed backup tapes of the emails to be destroyed.
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