Barack Obama
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why does he continue to LIE about his Tax Returns? He will only release his 2014 returns which already REEKS of dishonesty but now he won't even release those??????? He stinks to high heaven.

(3,660 posts)He just said he's releasing 2014 today and will release more soon.
How many speech transcripts has Hillary released so far? Why would she hide behind Republicans to avoid releasing them?
(548 posts)he would release his 2014 taxes tomorrow......which is today if you can count.
(3,660 posts)The day isn't over is it? He never recanted that and said he wouldn't either - which you were implying.
Perhaps not everyone is on your convoluted schedule. Today isn't over yet. Maybe you should save your fake outrage until tomorrow when it would be at least somewhat justified.
I'm sure you are equally upset over Hillary not releasing her transcripts until Republicans do as well right?
(82,383 posts)Let Bernie release all his transcripts then.
(14,177 posts)She would have told Obama about her relationship with Sid.
(1,252 posts)Jane does the returns and they have been traveling non stop since last August campaigning. They are attending to it.
What do you expect to find in there? 100,000,000 in "speaking" fees? Oh, wait...that's Hillary.
(548 posts)media circuit these past 6 days so do NOT tell me she has not had time to Xerox her/his Income taxes. Total and complete BULLSHIT.
(1,252 posts)Did you see their obscene wealth and various shell games to move around their money? That is okay with you? You are really outraged it seems about Bernie's returns which no doubt will reflect a modest income for a man of his great influence but no outrage for Hillary's unwillingness to disclose the contents of the speeches she gave for so much of money? The money that our tax dollars gave to the banks - they turned around and gave to her - while adding to our real debt. Any outrage for that?
(31,745 posts)and moving around of money.
And, while you are at it, show us bernie's great influence. He has done nothing in Congress and has few friends there.
Politicians often give speeches and are paid for those speeches. So fucking what? Hillary is no different, and should not be singled out for being paid to give speeches. The transcripts are her business. Bernie's tax returns are another matter. What is he hiding and lying about?
(1,252 posts)are you okay?
(2,348 posts)is why Bernie won't be honest and say that he doesn't think President Obama is qualified to be President, since he meets almost all of the same criteria he holds against Hillary.
(11,862 posts)Hillary is the only one clinging to Obama's shirt tails...besides, Bernie is not running against Obama.
AND, how can someone who has BEEN president for 7 going on 8 years NOT be qualified?
(2,348 posts)which, according to Bernie's words, makes him a corrupt politician who shouldn't be President. If he's going to be consistent, why doesn't he stand by his call for a primary in 2012 and admit that he doesn't think much of the President?
(11,862 posts)steve2470
(37,468 posts)It is NOT ok. Please self delete. Thank you. I am a group host here.
(177,384 posts)The OP has nothing to do with President Obama.