Barack Obama
Related: About this forumTired of Republicans who claim the military
I have a loved one now in the military - so often you see comments on FB and the like to the effect that the military only respect their CIC if he's a Republican. There is a FB page for their mothers, etc., and from time to time the other members post things that imply that of course Obama is hated by the military. And no one on the page would disagree.
One was a video of marines cheering when Bush came and then being quiet when Obama came. The situations were different but the insinuation is always that the military does not respect our President if he's not of their party (and also insinuating the military must be made up entirely of Republicans).
And Obama (and Michelle and Jill I know have made efforts) has done tons for them. And he is their CIC even if they are Republicans. I did think the military was supposed to respect the chain of command upward. They don't have to agree with him or be of their party, but they should respect him as their top officer.

Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)Have you ever met a liberal General? And you wonder why the Rank and File tend to be Jaded towards the conservative bent. Military Schools are so structured towards a Fascist Ideal,and they still study the Prussian Empire,and it is a racket.
(82,383 posts)I can see where they want to have wars and not diplomacy, because that was what they were trained to do and they want the chance to do it.
I was irritated by a posting calling Obama "weak" as if diplomacy is always "weak." People get killed in wars, and it's not "weak" not to want to them. Just tired of that thing men have to prove they are tough by always being ready for a fight. I wonder if women in the military will change that some.
The military is going to be authoritarian. But we are told we have to respect them and so I think they should respect us, and when we elect their CIC, to respect that choice regardless of whether it's their own or not.
(21,253 posts)but it really goes beyond that. In times of war they believe they should be running everything. Then they will complain about mistakes they believe were made because they were not running everything - for decades. They are still complaining about the Viet Nam War.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)continuously blaring the same meme against Mr. Obama and every one of their so called Military Analyst pounding the same crap. One needs to realize how in hell did we not have a Military over throw of our Government.
(82,383 posts)though I am thinking more of the rank and file.
And that includes many women and minorities, and I doubt being in the military makes them Republicans.
(69,315 posts)He lived his final years in Dupont, Washington, just outside of Fort Lewis.
He was an outspoken progressive on a lot of political issues.
Wellstone ruled
(34,661 posts)believe he is Ukrainian or White Russian ethnicity and has a total different command ideal. He is a rare one for sure. Read were he always got the clean up duty or fixing the other Guys screw ups. Anyone know if he is still active or did he finally take his retirement? Did catch his Senate Hearings and he is one shape fellow.