Barack Obama
Related: About this forumAny anti-Obama Democrats still out there?
Still upset that President Obama didn't take the whole country out for ice cream?
Wake up and look around, will you?
President Obama is the leader we should have had twenty years ago. Bill Clinton (whom I still admire greatly), but without the messy personal issues. A leader with amazing grace.

(24,780 posts)Until After the euphoria wears off.
Bernie 2016
(90 posts)and then get kicked out of here and everywhere.
(90,327 posts)Works the same in the Bernie Group as well.
Aristus asked a rhetorical question in our group, for our group.
Have a nice night.
(308,423 posts)to whine about him.
(10,007 posts)Cha
(308,423 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)

(1,656 posts)Mr. Obama will push thru TPP.
It is great that there is now marriage equality and Obamacare passed another court action.
But, you see, the oligarchs don't give a fuck about the marriage equality decision, and Obamacare is
just another give-a-way to the barbaric health insurance 'industry' (yes, insuring more Americans is awesome).
The TPP is the final nail. With the passage of TPP, the United States relinquishes sovereignty to the global corporate oligarchy. And Americans will suffer.
So, 'anti-Obama' - fuck yes. Passing the TPP, just like Clinton's NAFTA will be the end of the United States.
I hope to be proven wrong, but the only trade policy that benefits all Americans is a tariff system.
(177,384 posts)Delete this.
(1,656 posts)My position is that we need *real* democrats. I think President Obama has performed exactly like President Clinton.
Both have done great things for America - and both have none bad things for America and Americans.
Honest. Truth. And my desire for a more perfect union....
(90,327 posts)You beat me.
Thanks greataunt
(177,384 posts)The doubling down did it.
(90,327 posts)yup, some love to double down, bless their hearts.
(177,384 posts)
(53,661 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)Barack Obama Group. Trust me, there are plenty of Obama hate threads in GD. Go join them. They will welcome you with open arms.
We are a group not a forum. Read our mission statement.
Ya know something? I am so sick of the word 'oligarchs' being tossed out in every friggin sentence. Learn a word a day and use it in every way. Ya'll sure do. Noun and a verb.
I was going to block you. A host beat me to it.
(308,423 posts)a hint of clue what they're talking about.
Their only purpose is to disrupt with disingenuous whining.
(90,327 posts)I always give a warning Cha, this time I was not going to.
I am sick and tired of them repeating ad nauseum "oligarchs". Hey, they need some new material, their talking points are getting old.
(308,423 posts)ignorantly and anonymously going around the internet trashing without a freaking clue what they're talking about.
No more worries about Pre-existing Conditions, either! Too bad that really bothers some people..
(177,384 posts)She'd had to stop driving and take time off a job that doesn't provide insurance because her vision had become so bad. The pre-existing condition thing is a godsend to millions of us.
(308,423 posts)life and their livelihood!
(177,384 posts)Her old job disappeared after 2007 - 2008. She now works three part-time jobs, but the lack of insurance made life difficult for her.
(308,423 posts)
(53,661 posts)SleeplessinSoCal
(9,956 posts)freshwest
(53,661 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)as soon as I see people droning on about the oligarchs I know we're back in CT territory.
(31,443 posts)
(30,058 posts)sheshe2
(90,327 posts)GAOT beat me to it.
(308,423 posts)snip//
What a series of days in American life, full of savage mayhem, uncommon forgiveness, resistance to forgiveness, furious debate, mourning, and, finally, justice and grace. As President Obama led thousands of mourners in Charleston, South Carolina, in Amazing Grace, I thought about late 2013 and early 2014. Obamas Presidency was surely dwindling, if not finished. His mood was sombre, philosophicalwhich is good if you are a philosopher; if not, not.
Obama described himself to me then in terms of his limitsas a relay swimmer in a river full of rapids, and that river is history. More than a few columnists believed that Obama was now resigned to small victories, at best. But pause to think of what has happened, the scale of recent events.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court (despite an apocalyptic dissent about pure applesauce and interpretive jiggery-pokery by Justice Scalia) put an end to years of court cases and congressional attacks against the Affordable Care Act, which means that millions of Americans will no longer live in a state of perpetual anxiety about health costs.
On Friday, the Supreme Court (despite a curiously ill-informed dissent about Kalahari, Aztec, and Han mating rites by Chief Justice Roberts) legalized same-sex marriage nationallya colossal (and joyous) landmark moment in the liberation of gay men and lesbians.
✔ @petesouza
Read my post on when the President heard about yesterday's scotus decision on ACA:
11:08 AM - 26 Jun 2015
667 667 Retweets 740 740 favorites
Obama reinventing the Lame Duck..
Btw, I never thought he was "over" because of the disastrous midterms.. I knew there was a lot more to good things to come ..knowing this President history.
(96,610 posts)...of his so-called Lame Duck Presidency. The man has been set free.
I love that lame duck, too.
(90,327 posts)lamp_shade
(15,146 posts)
(9,956 posts)want Joe Biden to run.
I honestly think he'd be the best candidate and a strong president.
Response to Aristus (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(96,610 posts) such things are crafted and how they work their way through all the branches of government. Trade Bill = NAFTA is all their little brains have room for. So without ever finding out exactly what's going on with this one they sharpen their knives and start in again.
It's driving me away, but who cares.
Last week was transformative, and cemented the President's legacy in the history books. That will endure when all the sludge at DU finally goes down the drain.
(85,366 posts)Some people go searching around the Christmas tree saying "there MUST be a pony!" Other people go searching around the Christmas tree saying "there MUST be horse shit."
Tired of it.
(24,047 posts)What was it our great President Lincoln said?
You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you cant please all of the people all of the time.
(Actually, I just found out it was John Lydgate who first coined the expression.)