Barack Obama
Related: About this forumThis Ridiculous Outrage Over President Obama Golfing Has Got to Stop ****BOG POST****
Everyone, youre going to have to excuse me for a moment, because I really need to vent. This ongoing outrage over the fact that President Obama likes to go golfing has gotten absolutely absurd.
First, lets get a few facts out of the way. To this date President Obama has taken around 125 vacation days since he took office in January 2009. Considering were just about at the three-quarter point of 2014, that comes out to just slightly more than 22 days per year. If he keeps this current pace, by the time his second term is over, he will have taken a total of around 182 vacation days in eight years.
Though lets be honest, the President of the United States is never on vacation. Its a 24/7, 365.242 day a year job. But lately another wrinkle has been added. People see President Obama golfing as the world spirals into chaos. Its been a common talking point on Fox News that Obama is the Golfer in Chief.
Oh, please. Heres a fun fact: Presidents of the United States are honest to God human beings. I dont care what position they might hold, theyre people.
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He has aged years...
I too would age with this hatred...
Barack Obama called N-word in New York newspaper headline
A New York newspaper has apologised after it referred to US President Barack Obama as a n***** in one of its headlines.
Me...yup I support this President. Best ever. I know so many weep and wail. That's your sad.
I have his back and I will continue too.

(30,058 posts)On a serious note, after his schedule was revealed after the death of bin Laden it seems like his hardest decisions occurs around his "pleasure" moments. He is Cool Hand Luke at the height of action.
(135,425 posts)handmade34
(23,211 posts) too!!
the irrational, immature outrage is beyond anything reasonable
I am so angry and tired of ALL the hate and disparagement directed at my President (right and left both)
(90,327 posts)you covered it all handmade34!
(21,115 posts)
(14,505 posts)jimlup
(8,008 posts)Somehow they didn't fucking bother to notice when G. W. did it to much much more of an extreme. It pisses me off a lot that the right wing media can get away with this shit and not be called to account for its raw partisanship or worse.
regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)
(20,219 posts)SummerSnow
(12,608 posts)

hmm...must be a Presidential requirement to play
(12,471 posts)was ALWAYS on vacation?
He could have cut all the brush in Texass in the time he was on "vacation!"
(6,151 posts)when he was tippling.
regnaD kciN
(26,817 posts)And why do I get the feeling it's a Big Deal now because, for a lot of these people, "his kind" should only be allowed at golf courses as caddies?
(90,327 posts)cheapdate
(3,811 posts)with media figures supposedly representing "liberal" and "conservative" perspectives. The "conservative" speaker brought up this vacation bullshit. It's unreal.
I'm very thankful for this president's leadership in most every way.
Talking about the fact that he took (or tried to take) a vacation this summer is as meaningful as talking about German chancellor Angel Merkel's hair style.
(90,327 posts)That is so sad, they use to make a difference.
(3,811 posts)They still feature interesting, enlightening, and in-depth stories on societal issues. Hell, you could say that since Mara Liasson left a few years ago that they've become less right-wing.
(18,791 posts)Couldn't listen to Steve Inskeep anymore.
(3,919 posts)down talk the president. the arrogance of news casters inserting their personal opinions and political slant into every report on the actions of the president is not news journalism. i seldom if every listen to them anymore and i sure as heck no longer donate.
(15,189 posts)That's 2 1/2 years. Although his whole term was a vacation while Poppy, The Dick and Condi did all the work.
(2,831 posts)Whereas President Obama probably just sits around watching TV while the red phone rings...
(308,422 posts)actual much earned vacation, she. Thank you for your OP.. I've seen rumblings about this and it pisses me off as it does Allen Clifton the writer of this piece.. who is from the Dallas Ft Worth area in Texas.
Cheney: President Obama Would 'Rather Be On The Golf Course' Than The Situation Room
Five myths about presidential vacations
3. George W. Bush took more vacation days than any other president.
During his eight-year presidency, Bush did take 879 days of vacation, including 77 trips to his Texas ranch. So far, Obama has taken about 150 days off. But our founders were away even more.
And, Dick head knows this..
Have to mention the a$$holes in Congress who did nothing all year and are now on a 5 week vaca with pay while they won't raise the Minimum Wage for actual hard working Americans.
And, glad they decided it was wrong to use that derogatory word in their headline even though it was exposing the racism in America against President Obama... from your link..
"The writer James Lincoln Collier penned an opinion piece for the July edition of WestView News, which was entitled: The N***** in the White House.
Despite the use of the racist slur, the column was actually a pro-Obama piece that suggested far-right opposition to the President was influenced by the colour of his skin.
Collier wrote: These far right voters hate Obama because he is black. The simple truth is that there is still in America an irreducible measure of racism.
Bottom Line.. from your 1st link..
"The last thing any American should want is a president whos so stressed out that theyre on the verge of a psychotic breakdown. And the media, both the left and the right, really needs to stop this nonsense of shaming presidents every time they might dare take some kind of a vacation or gasp even play a round golf. -
My President who's hard at work even though he takes some time away to play golf and clear his head.
Planned Parenthood ✔ @PPact
BREAKING: The Obama Administration just announced new rules to ensure women have access to birth control coverage:
7:41 AM - 22 Aug 2014
(90,327 posts)Thank you for all you posted. You said it better than I did.
Oh, please. Heres a fun fact: Presidents of the United States are honest to God human beings. I dont care what position they might hold, theyre people.
This President is a living breathing human being. He deserves respect. Period. End of Discussion.
and what you linked...
That is the truth!
(308,422 posts)Mahalo for your excellently timed OP on this ridiculously ignorant attack on the President and his much needed R&R, she~

(20,219 posts)Fred Sanders
(23,946 posts)incoherent garbage about Obama golfing "while the world burns."
Freaky CNN is so desperate for ratings they host people from Glenn Beck's racist and fascist site and hand her a megaphone to blast her verbal excrement into the medias sphere....I see a problem with that.
(10,007 posts)Iliyah
(25,111 posts)SoapBox
(18,791 posts)From the PukeBaggers.
How many days has Boner not worked and played golf?
(108 posts)will find anything to drag this man over the coals.
there's plenty he's done to betray my trust, but taking a break from probably the shittiest job in the world deserves a break. I feel bad for him sometimes.
(26,795 posts)Wait until they find out when he has his next bowel movement.
We won't hear the end of their sh*tty comments.
That's all they have.
The good news is that anger is fear translated.
Assh*les beware. You are justified in your fear. The end is near for you and your stark raving insane cohorts.
Love, Peace and the Righteous Fight!
~ Lmsp 🙌
(4,309 posts)"Assh*les beware. You are justified in your fear. The end is near for you and your stark raving insane cohorts." - Yes, yes, yes!
Our ideals are winning and they are scared sh*tless!
(6,335 posts)Its been proven that vacation days increase productivity anyway.
(308,422 posts)cleduc
(653 posts)that they must take some time away from it to decompress and relax. Doing so, helpds to maintain their health and benefits their mental & physical performance in that job.
People HAVE to have outlets like this to function properly and well.
The attacks are just from ignoramuses trying to score political points.
LloydS of New London
(355 posts)
I LOVE this man ! He always thinks before he speaks , a rare quality in any one . He truly cares about all of us .
He has really faced a most awful time in World History ,nothing but strife , hatred , bigotry , and blatant racism . And what a truly wonderful family to love and support him
I will always have his back , and be deeply grateful for his sysiphian effort on behalf of our country , and world peace .

(15,720 posts)Bushler golfs while the world burns; Obama golfs when the job is done, and by all accounts he did what he had to do in that speech. An instructive compare-and-contrast for those paying attention IOW.
(4,309 posts)I am so sick of that narrative. And the people who speak it know it is total BULLSHIT! Any US President has all the resources he needs close at hand hand, wherever he is.
If i had to put up with all the shit he takes every day from the Republican hate gang I'd probably be an alcoholic!
(90,327 posts)
(4,309 posts)we'd be dropping bombs on dark-skinned women and children right now.
I'd much rather have the President golfing than following the same old, tired, failed warmongering policies that have created this situation in the first place.
(90,327 posts)

Thank Goddess for this President.
Thank Goddess we have a pro-choice and pro-peace President!!!!

(4,309 posts)Let's do it again!
(1,805 posts)you're either an alcoholic or you're not. Guess that was nitpicking. Take it from one who knows first hand.
(4,309 posts)
I know what you mean.
(1,805 posts)Ditto. I've been concerned about his health. Oh, I know he's healthy, but he looks so damn exhausted. Who wouldn't be? As we've said, he's a human being. An extraordinary one, but human nevertheless.
Damn, must get sleep, can't seem to turn the ole brain off tonight. Be well all you good people and enjoy what's left of the weekend.
(53,661 posts)
He will finish his race. Bless him and his family.