Barack Obama
Related: About this forumThe Privately Religious President: Obama's Prayer Circles, Daily Devotional Readings
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama is not an overtly religious man. He and his family rarely attend church, and he almost never elaborates in public about his own relationship to his Christian faith.
But away from the public eye, advisers say, the president has carefully nurtured a sense of spirituality that has served as a grounding mechanism during turbulent times, when the obstacles to governing a deeply divided nation seem nearly insurmountable.
Every year on Aug. 4, the president's birthday, Obama convenes a group of pastors by phone to receive their prayers for him for the year to come. During the most challenging of times, prayer circles are organized with prominent religious figures such as megachurch pastor Joel Hunter, Bishop Vashti McKenzie of the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Rev. Joseph Lowery, a civil rights activist.
Each morning for the past five years, before most of his aides even arrive at the White House, Obama has read a devotional written for him and sent to his BlackBerry, weaving together Scripture with reflections from literary figures such as Maya Angelou and C.S. Lewis.
"I've certainly seen the president's faith grow in his time in office," said Joshua DuBois, an informal spiritual adviser to Obama who writes the devotionals and ran Obama's faith-based office until earlier this year. "When you cultivate your faith, it grows."

liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)or what ever deity they pray to.
There are the faithful, then there are religious exhibitionist, those who attend for the sake of being seen in church.
Religion is not something to be worn on the shirt sleeve.
(16,254 posts)I've always felt that if someone is compelled to refer to their religious beliefs many times per day, they either aren't sure of what they believe or they want everyone to believe they are beyond sin, love their fellow man and are generous to those in need.
I have several friends who do the above every day, but speak badly of other citizens, complain about certain groups pilfering their wealth through taxes/welfare and have little or no sympathy for those who are hurting. In fact, they conduct their lives the opposite of what Jesus did and yet call themselves Christians.
All of these people are avid RW'rs, despise Obama and his ACA, as well as those on welfare.
(5,376 posts)in particular those in authority:
1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NIV)
2 I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
And yet as you pointed out, so many who call themselves Christians act anything but, to the detriment of Jesus' gospel. Used to be the goal was to bring them in from the fields of sin. Now the goal seems to be destroy our President and show no compassion for those in need of help or salvation. I'm a lapsed Southern Baptist who hasn't been inside one of their churches for almost 10 years, but I read, I observe and I am terribly saddened by what's going on.
(90,327 posts)"We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed. Perplexed, but not in despair," reads a verse from 2 Corinthians that DuBois sent Obama one November, followed with his own meditation: "Dear God, give us a resilient spirit, a spirit that returns to face this day even in the shadow of yesterday's challenges. Help us, today, to bounce back."
Thank you for posting this DonViejo.
(6,151 posts)Early on President Obama requested a prayer cover. Whether it's traditional prayer or good thoughts from an atheist makes no difference to me, and I suspect no difference at all. There's something about the human connection worldwide that goes far beyond our puny understanding of the universe. In other words we're brothers and sisters whether we know it or not, whether we like it or not.
Forgive me for repeating one of my favorite stories now; don't claim I didn't warn you one was coming! But I remember a certain journalist telling how hard he'd tried to get an interview with then-Senator Obama toward the end of that first grueling campaign. He said when he finally did grab a moment, Obama was exhausted and it showed in his face and manner. But when the journalist asked something about North Stars, he said Obama perked right up and expounded on Niebhur for five minutes. "In paragraphs."
Wish I had a tape of that!
Lord help me but I do love smart people with ethics. It's especially helpful when I realize they're smarter and nicer than I am. Okay, that's not setting the bar too high, but I like what I like.
(308,422 posts)has his faith to draw strength from, Don.
PBO is such an intelligent caring man with so many enemies.. It can only help to have love and support from people around him who are kindred spirits.
Big Circle of White Light!
(53,661 posts)