Conservative Policy Analyst Insists PA Medicaid Expansion Under ObamaCare Would Be "Immoral" [VIDEO]
Last edited Thu Aug 8, 2013, 10:43 AM - Edit history (2)
This is a video from my new show, Counterpoint PA, the only grassroots progressive newscast exclusively about Pennsylvania politics.
In Counterpoint PA's homage to Keith Olbermann, a conservative policy analyst makes her second appearance for her insistence that it would be "immoral" to make more Pennsylvanians living in poverty eligible for government health insurance by expanding Medicaid in the state (a provision of ObamaCare), and having what can best be described as little-to-no defense for the assertion when questioned about it. She claims in a new video that Medicaid is bad for poor people but leaves out that she's comparing it to private insurance, not comparing it having no insurance. was infected with malware for a day or two, but it's fixed now - my apologies for that and for this video being out a couple days late, and my thanks to Democratic Underground and all my viewers for working with me through my technical difficulties (I very desperately need a new microphone)...this is, after all, a grassroots show in the grassiest rootiest sense of the word for now.
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