Apple Users
Related: About this forumI've changed how I compute since the iPad
Here's my progression of computing and communications:
That clear plastic fruity blob - great machine, managed my law office, held all my music, even stored a few images of my artwork.
Mac Mini - The bigger screen and smaller footprint wowed me. A lot more storage, a lot more speed.
Then I went mobile, using the biggest, baddest, and pumped up Apple laptop that had a harddrive with 3 gigs of memory! The early design of the power connection got me in trouble a few times, but the big screen more than made up for it.
Macbook Pro. Smaller screen, but 4 times the speed and far more memory. This took a lot of travel, a lot of abuse, and had only one repair necessary, when my 100 lb 6 month old puppy decided he wanted mobile computing, too, and bit through the screen. Watching him carry it around was both heart-breaking, and hilarious.
the 21 inch iMac. Simply a great machine, with so much more memory and brains. Love it. Between the Pro and this, I though I had my office under control.
At the same time, I was using the iPhone, and found the apps quite helpful.
Then I graduated to the iPad 2 (my iPad one was taken over by my love, who am I to say no?) Interesting. I no longer use any apps on the iPhone, except the camera. I no longer even think about taking the macbook Pro on a trip. I find the iPad far lighter and much better for my tasks. Now, my office is iMac and iPad, with the iPhone mainly for phone calls. Period. Besides, the iPad has every bit of data that my office mac has. and with Air Display, the Ipad even works as a second screen.

(44,899 posts)I'm also taking along a keyboard because I know that using the one on the screen will only drive me nuts. It's being loaded with the LogMeIn Ignition and Parallells Mobile so I can access my MacMini home computer. I've never liked the idea using a phone for web surfing. Expect to have an iPad of my own by summertime!
(28,017 posts)I was rewriting/editing a novel I almost finished a few years ago, 600+ pages, with 50-55 left to go.
I began at the beginning on the iPad, and with the porta keyboard, it was a snap. Except that Pages refused to page number each page. Otherwise, it was great to work on it and get lots of needed editing and rewrite done.
(4,148 posts)Did a good job of it, too. Totally ruined the machine, so i HAD to get a new one...(actually it still works if I use and external keyboard and mouse.)
Anyway, I ended up getting an Air. I had been drooling over them for months. This might sound odd, but I have a bad back, and anything that lightens my load is helpful.'s FAST.