Apple Users
Related: About this forumI need some feedback on Mackeeper
I recently loaded MacKeeper.
I did it to improve streaming, specifically on Hulu+. Hulu's help page on streaming recommended MacKeeper.
However, the major problem is that in the evening hours the streaming gets very slow and often barely streams at all. This slow streaming begins in the late afternoon and comes to a crawl, often stand-still, in the evening. Late in the evening, it begins to come back, but doesn't get to morning or afternoon speed until the small wee hours of the morning, i.e. midnite to 3 a.m.
Can any one give some guidance on what is causing this and how to rectify it. CLEANING gigas out of files with MacKeeper seemed to help, but no where near the consistent speed I need for a continous, high resolution stream. The streamng is so erratic I am unsure how much MacKeeper helps.

Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)Comcast or some such? If so, that could be your problem. Cable internet bandwidth is shared with everyone on your node. As others are also streaming, say from Netflix, the pipe gets full and the service slows to a crawl.
(146,218 posts)used in the evening was being used to stream Netflix. That is huge and surely accounts for the slowdown to some extent.
We are often in an area that has a major increase in population on weekends. Our download speeds drop significantly during those times.
(25 posts)I thought that all along but had hoped MacKeeper would improve the stream.
What I don't understand is why they can't meet the traffic load. It is well known that Comcast wants to control the flow of all servers, so they can provide way faster service than their competors. If that is possible couldn't the FCC mandate that all servers must mantain a high enough flow 24-hous a day that customers always get a stream high enough for HD quality. If that isn't possible I am ending my paid subscription to several sites and telling them why.