Help - Trying to set up a wireless printer on a public network
I am trying to set up a new Canon Pixma printer on the public wifi in my mom's new apartment. The setup instructions with the printer are setting up with a modem.
From my google search about using public wifi:
Method to Connect Canon Wireless Printer
Start with, hit the power button on printer to make it 'ON'. ...
Thereafter, go to the printer 'Home' from the touch screen and then press and Hold 'WiFi' button.
Next, select 'LAN Wireless set up' option> press 'OK'. ...
Choose your WiFi Network (named Canon in your router setting).
I'm stuck.

(810 posts)hope that helps
(1,104 posts)I've tried on the Mac Air, iPhone & iPad.
(810 posts)and is your install similar to this vid?
(1,104 posts)as disabled. My printout shows it as enabled. Then when I go to connect to the network and enter the WPS Pin Code it says invalid password.
Do you think that's the problem
sorry just throwing out what worked for me with my printer. I have pretty much reached the edge of any expertise i might have.
(8,178 posts)In the video he mentions the PW for the printer is 12345678 -- this is different than the wifi password.
Confused about which PW it says is incorrect.