Looking For Suggestions
I'm recording again, just for my own amusement. I use a 24 bit, 16 track recorder so it's not on a computer.
I've got 2 songs done, but....here's my dilemma.
I've got no way to master to CD or digitize to MPEG.
My old HP laptop is a boat anchor, power supply is also shot.
What I want to do is, get some sort of audio/video input interface (Vidbox?), a cheap laptop that can manage that interface, & a DVD/CD burner so I can play the audio of the MPEG onto a CD.
That way I get a new computer & mastering to CD in one shot.
Any thoughts?

(4,999 posts)If so, that'll be your best way to get transferred to a laptop by keeping it all digital.
Almost certainly you'll be looking for a USB adapter than can handle optical input.
Otherwise you'll be looking for something like a Berhringer UFO202 -- it can handle phonograph level (applies the RCAA amplification), or normal line level input (which will be the audio output from your track recorder). You'll then have to futz with output levels to make sure you don't overload the input
I can't help much beyond that because I'm a 100% linux person, so software's all different.
(71,864 posts)According to the manual it's IEC 60958 or the Alexis proprietary MCOI, which can be chosen from the operating software or firmware.
Looked up the UFO202. Does that have optical in? Or just RCA?
This is a good rec! I see Musician's Friend is selling them for just $39!
Edit: just ordered one!
(4,999 posts)You might want to check it out -- it is multiplatform.
If you want to burn a CD it'll help to prepare the WAV files for you. I think it will also let you make MP3's, though you may need an additional "plugin" of some sort.
Hope it all works, regardless how you get there.
Have fun!
(71,864 posts)Now, I just need to buy a new laptop & DVD/CD drive.
(3,861 posts)ProfessorGAC
(71,864 posts)...I'm not that fussy. If I go digital to analog (audio) & back to digital, I'll be happy.