I've been renting part of my house and I need that person to leave. How
do I make it so they can't use my wifi for their TV? (It's a long story but the person is causing a lot of problems and won't leave so I am trying to make it uncomfortable here)
I'm thinking of changing my wifi password?
I've looked it up and can't seem to make it work.
And yes I shut the water off. I can turn it back on when she is at work tomorrow. I have been getting asthma for the last several months and it as told to me and I also realized that her FIVE CATS AND 1 BIG DOG AND REFUSAL TO CLEAN is causing pet dander to get into my AC and I am breathing it. Even though she is in a seperate part of the house that is behind a door I didn't realize that her pets would affect me. I have asked her to clean and all she does is bitch and do nothing.

(43,049 posts)you have to thin about escalating things.
My suggestion is you find a landlord/tenant lawyer for guidance.
(4,350 posts)And while you’re at it, change the identity to something like “FBI Surveillance.”
Your ex-roommate won’t try messing with it.
(23,215 posts)up my IP address which I cannot find etc.
Isn't there are easy way to do this?
(4,350 posts)typically looks like “192.168.x.x”
Enter this number into your web browser address field and it should direct you to your router’s option panel.
Let’s try to get that far and tell me what happens.
(23,215 posts)numbers and letters in and it seems as if none is a private account because all I get is Google search answers.
This last one......none of the other stings of letters/numbers looked even close....began with 802.11ac
One of the sites said to use the settings icon on my phone. I types that one in and also nothing happened
(33,643 posts)try
Like literally clicking that link that I just gave you should likely work.
It's not a private account, it's a generic address used by routers in a network. That's why I can tell you what the address is likely to be.
But you can search 'what is my routers ip address' and then put the model number from the router. You find it's likely either what I said, or the first 0 is a 1.
802.11ac is the 'type' of router, more or less it's the 'speed' of it. That is not of use in this equation.
You will looking for something as ZZ said, 192.168.X.X.
You aren't in a 'private' scenario til you log into the routers admin. When you hit the proper IP, you're visiting a web page served by the router itself. Think of it like going to democraticunderground.com when you're not logged in. But you don't use a 'name' you use an IP address cause you're just visiting a 'site' on your own home network. That site ... contains your routers admin tools. Set up to look/work like a simple, regular HTML website.
Edit: I see Cayuga looked up your router model ... use the IP s/he gave you: (should work with or without the http:// part, but doesn't hurt)
dawg day
(7,947 posts)You're a good one. Thanks.
(33,643 posts)So happens I'm a big nerd, so ... this is in my wheelhouse
Response to ZZenith (Reply #2)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(64,241 posts)So long as you don't give them new password. 👍
(70,777 posts)Maraya1969
(23,215 posts)cayugafalls
(5,789 posts)an eviction notice.
Making it uncomfortable by changing the wifi password could cause further problems for you without them leaving.
Can you consult a lawyer?
What is the tenant doing?
(23,215 posts)cayugafalls
(5,789 posts)Maraya1969
(23,215 posts)ok it says CISCO AND XFINITY
Devise type: XB3
Model DPC 394 1 T
Docisis 3.0
DS/VS 24X4
I hope that helps. I had no idea how many different strings of numbers there were on that thing!
(4,350 posts)And is it of any help?
(5,789 posts)Page 28 has the wifi network password you want to change.
You need to login to the router as defined by others in this thread.
Connect to the gateway with Ethernet cable in any of the free ports on the back, there should be 4, at least one should be free.
Open a browser and go to
Login using user: admin and password: password
If this does not work you may have set a password for login already, try that if you remember it. If you can't get in, you may have to do a reset and reconfigure the gateway all over.
This all assumes you have a laptop, ethernet cable and the time to read the manual and understand the process. Please feel free to call xfinity technical support and see if they will walk you through the changes you need to make as I understand they can be daunting to someone who has not done it before.
I am sorry you are having so much difficulty with your tenant. It sounds like you have grounds for eviction. I hope you explore that route and it all works out.
You can change the password or use MAC address blocking
(33,643 posts)Should be obvious why this is handy (your PC will disconnect when you change the password if using wifi). At minimum, have a NIC cable and the wherewithal to do so if needed.
1) Type this into your browsers address window: and press enter
2) This should take you to your routers login screen. If not, google your router model + 'how do I login'.
3) Login using credentials you find on a sticker on the bottom of your router. Typically it'll be ID: admin and a pswd: 1aF4Adf8ag type of deal, not exactly but like that. Per usual, it's case-sensitive. Taking a pic w/your phone can be handy
4) Once in, find the WiFi section in the menus, and poke around until you find a 'change password' option.
NOTE: I recommend NOT CHANGING THE ADMIN LOGIN PASSWORD, that's asking for a locked router later down the line when you forge what it was. Your ISP will not be able to fix it. Wifi password is different and specific to the Wifi portion of the router.
5) Also is a good idea to find what's called the WPS options, and disable WPS. That's the button on the front of the router that allows someone to log into the wifi just by pressing that button w/o needing to use the password.
(4,350 posts)
(8,998 posts)They have ones out there that will stop dander dead. Don't shut the water off. Sheesh, not only do humans need water to survive what if there is a fire over there that could have been put out with a cup of water but instead engulfs the entire house.
(23,215 posts)for months and I have been asking her to change the filter for over a week and at least vacuum since she has not done it in several months!
I went in today and put in a very good air filter. But first I had to pay a locksmith because she stole the key to my side and managed to lock her side with it. And before I could install a new lock since I don't have the key anymore she installed her own and added some additional locks or something.....there was drilling going on.
So if there is a fire over there when she is gone the whole fucking place goes up in smoke because I can't get in.
And it is my damn house!
If I could completely block her off and not have to share the same air supply I would.
It is a damn toxic waste dump over there. I can't believe I am only now realizing that that is what has been making me sick
(8,147 posts)shut off water and electricity. I know it’s a pain, but best do things legally. On the other hand, you have rights and I would think that includes her not being able to change the lock without your permission. Your county courthouse web page might give you information on evictions.
But to shut off water when the best defense we have against the corona virus is washing doing so is horrible. Don't let someone else's horrible actions make you do the same. If you can turn off the central air and get a window unit. If you need some help ask for it here and we will do what we can. But don't choose horrible actions. Don't ever let someone else's bad behavior dictate yours into to being bad.
(29,941 posts)Turning off utilities is probably illegal. Also holding any items of theirs for payment is too. Most law favors the tenant.
You probably have to serve two or three notices at timed intervals and finally go to court to evict someone.
Even then if not out you have to serve them another notice when with the police and you can enter and remove THEN store the items in a safe place at your expense until such time the tenant pays you back.
After a certain time you can toss the stuff but may have to publish in the paper the date you might do so.
Landlording is not for woosies.
(33,643 posts)The bad news is a dirty filter puts strain your fan motor, which can obviously get real expensive later. ANd it can increase your bill cause the system has to work harder.
But even when it's dirty it still sucks up the dust and sticks it to the filter. It just builds up and gets harder for the unit to suck the air through.
Believe it not, the cheaper filters are actually better for your system long-term than the complicated/expensive ones. Unless you really have issues with dust/allergies, it's better to use the cheap-o's and replace them more often, ends up costing about the same in filters, cleans air very nearly as well, and is better for your system.
Per the people who installed and warranty my unit and service it every 6 months.
(3,853 posts)Good luck on getting her to leave without too much drama.
(54,733 posts)You're probably on safe ground restricting WiFi (unless that was actually part of the rental agreement) but in many states, you can seriously harm the eviction process by doing things like that.
Tenants have rights, too, even if they're jerks.
(18,738 posts)To find yours:
1. Open a command prompt. On Windows 10 go to your start menu, Windows System
2. type in without the quote marks "ipconfig' hit the return key
3. A few lines of writing should appear. The bottom one should say 'Default Gateway' - those are your router address numbers
And as (I think) Mr Lebowski said above, make sure you have a cable connection to your modem/router.
For example, my Default gateway is But it should be four sets of numbers separated by periods, of no more than three numbers.
(34,189 posts)At the very least read this article:
Stephen Michael White
September 7, 2018
Landlords may often find themselves getting frustrated with eviction guides, which give you only general information rather than information that is specific to your location. Unfortunately, most comprehensive guides can only go into so much detail!
This guide, however, is specifically for landlords looking to learn how to evict a tenant in Florida.
It’s not that evicting a tenant in Florida is incredibly different than eviction in any other state, but there are some unique things that you need to know.
If you don’t know the right procedure on how to evict someone in Florida, you might find yourself wasting your time, money, and mental energy on a longer-than-necessary eviction process.
A Table of Contents For Eviction in Florida
What is Eviction & When Does It Apply?
What a Landlord Can’t Do
How to Evict a Tenant
How to Evict a Tenant Without a Lease
Preparing For The Future
More: https://www.rentprep.com/evictions/how-to-evict-a-tenant-in-florida/
One of the things they say that a landlord CANNOT do is shut of utilities. Please be careful or you could end up in trouble.
Response to Maraya1969 (Original post)
femmedem This message was self-deleted by its author.
Captain Zero
(7,737 posts)Landlords can write really shitty leases up front to screw the hell out of a tenant too.
At least that's been my experience if you want to leave a lease early or renew one ahead of schedule.
Get out your wallet.