Which of these is the best ballot access policy?
Candidates must collect signatures to get on the ballot.
Political parties with a certain percent of the population may place candidates on the ballot.
Let candidates get on by paying a fee.
Set a fixed standard high enough so that typically at most 2 are on the ballot.
Set a fixed standard high enough so that 4 or some other are typically on the ballot.
Set no standard. One signature is enough. If 100 apply, let voluntary conventions or the voters decide who they will vote for.
Set no minimum standard, but only let the highest 2 or 4 get on the ballot, but the standard signature, fee, or party size.
Is the current ballot access system near optimal already? Is suppression of the vote our only concern? When democrats lose in gerrymandered districts, would running closer to the center help them? Do current primary systems make it too difficult for moderates to get nominated in such districts?