Labour Party Chair Slaps Down Tory Who Made Bomb Joke
Anneliese Dodds has spoken out after it emerged a Tory MP joked about planting a bomb in her office....
In remarks leaked to the Mail on Sunday, Gray made the joke when prompted by a Tory colleague in a Whatsapp group.
Rob Largan, the Tory MP for High Peak, asked : “Does anybody know where Anneliese Dodds’ Commons office is based? I need to deliver something to her office.”
Gray replied: ‘A bomb, perhaps?’
(More at link)
This is just so disgusting! Gray was born in 1955; he must remember the IRA bombing of the party conference at Brighton in the 80s. He must know that in recent times one woman MP, Jo Cox, was murdered, and another, Rosie Cooper. only avoided such a fate because one of the far-right plotters defected and turned informer. He must know that we have all lived under the threat of bombs - from the IRA and similar groups in the 70s and 80s to the July 7th London bombing. I know he apologized, but joking about terrorism toward one's opponents is just sick.