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Despite Facebook’s claim to have clamped down on disinformation, almost everyone said they still use it to organise. Some even have as many as 40,000 followers.
This. In. London.
'There's a global fucking agenda right now'
'We know this is a scam, we know that covid does not exist'
'The BBC has done a right proper job on you'
'So I will fight, fight, fight... whatever my ancestors had to do I will do to fight for freedom'
'We take to the streets, we take down the vaccine centres, and take down the town halls'

(38,343 posts)lapfog_1
(30,664 posts)People that I know personally that have died of Covid-19
My ex-brother-in-law, an ER doc in Arizona (March 2020)
My girlfriends grandfather in Europe (May 2020)
A coworker from my company in India (June 2020)
People that I know who have been hospitalized from Covid-19
My best friend from California (Jan 2021, 4 weeks, barely survived)
My girl friends cousin in France (March 2021, 2 weeks)
My girl friends sister in Romania (April 2021, 3 weeks)
My girl friends brother-in-law in Romania (April 2021, 6 weeks)
People that I know who got sick from Covid-19
4 co-workers in California last fall (2020)
and me (November 2020)
so please tell me how this is "fake news" again.
(6,316 posts)... with other medical problems and injuries, who are being displaced and are dying.
(54,372 posts)those 40,000 are bots?
I think a lot of this is ginned up by the press. Of course, that can be a self-fulfilling prophecy, but I do think we are giving too much attention to the loons.
It's like the photo from Saturday from DC where there was an overturned trash can with a little fire in it, and 30 press people crowded around it taking pictures. Because they have to come back with something, even though the event was NOTHING.
(15,175 posts)As to the DC hate rally the 18th, it really was nothing. The pics I saw looked like about 150 people attended.
(13,538 posts)When only about 1/5 of US adults even has an account. And how many of THOSE are like me; I have one but never use it.
(6,316 posts)SergeStorms
(19,422 posts)I'm a ham sandwich.
If that bat-shit crazy woman has 40 followers I'd be surprised.
Facebook is the place here liars and whack-jobs congregate.
(49,015 posts)Are they the descendants of Culture Club? Know-nothings with a platform are still know-nothings. They don't deserve the time of day. Free speech still requires sanity, logic, relevancy, facts. Delusions and lies are not free speech, they are lunacy.
(41,780 posts)Yup
(73,453 posts)I'm willing to bet these ass clowns are being spoon fed from Vlad.
(19,422 posts)Russians, Chinese, every democracy hating country on the planet use "social" media as a platform for spreading disinformation.
(73,453 posts).... Louisville Putin's trolls got a bunch of red neck dumb fucks to go and take their AKs, tactical
gear, and water bottles (gotta stay hydrated) to go and protect their statue* dedicated to those
brave confederated soldiers because they had learned that a couple of barge loads of BLM/ANTIFA
folks who were suppose to be coming down the OH River from Cincinnati to attack that statue.
Betya that at least 50 % of these people have C-19 and some are dead by now
* The City of Louisville and the University of Louisville gave the town that statue because they wanted
no part of it anymore.
I might be wrong but those idiots in London are being spoon fed crap from Putin.
(12,184 posts)not sure what to say.
Trueblue Texan
(3,208 posts)What the hell has she lost? She's free to take to the streets, voice her opinion, she doesn't appear to be doing without food, clothing, shelter. What's she lost? These people have lost their freaking minds. They have gone completely, willingly bonkers.
(15,175 posts)Brexit is really hurting the economy in Great Britain as well.
I like the tin foil hat GIF on your signature line. Cute.
Solly Mack
(94,221 posts)Worldwide hive mind.
(47,866 posts)As if smashing windows and assaulting police officers is something any other country would want to repeat. Although Brits surprised everyone with Brexit so you never know.
(11,678 posts)The weakest minded among us. This is happening in every country.
In less technically advanced times, these fools would just die. They would not heed warnings of a plague and the conspirators would also be exposed to the disease and die or get very sick.
But with technology, they can spread lies and misinformation without coming into contact with anyone. So lies spread easier and rapidly because the lies are designed to be much more palatable.
The conspirators, who are paid by the filthy rich oligarchs, have done it to spread confusion and doubt. This allows them and their pay masters to continue to grab up our wealth, snatch up power and prevent us from organizing. We then have to fight these weak minded fools in order to get anything done.
The internet seems to enable these conspirators much more than it enables the truth.
Mr. Evil
(3,147 posts)Idiocracy.
(14,828 posts)I was recently down in t'smoke for a week and it was very noticeable how much more prevalent mask wearing and social distancing is in London then it is where I live.
So much so that it becomes infuriating when you go round places like Rotherham or Barnsley and you see how complacent and lackadaisical so many people have become. People in London generally seem much more aware of the risks.
(41,318 posts)As if Covid wasn't enough, there now seems to be a pandemic of The Crazy.