A tale of two countries (could the difference be any starker?)
Parliament has been recalled today for an urgent debate on Afghanistan. That is not the point of this although the bluster and bollocks of Boris is something else. Look @ the picture. On the left sits the English Nationalists Party - once known as the Tories. On the right of the shot sits the opposition parties - SNP, Labour, Lib Dems, Greens etc...
Can you spot the difference?

First time back on the Westminster Estate, since freedom day is fully implemented, where the house is rammed and barely one member of the party in charge has a face mask on... in an indoor space, with poor ventilation and social distancing impossible... These same people, when hospitalisations and deaths go up and a fourth wave seems inevitable, will be squawking out of their unmasked holes that another lockdown is unthinkable. This government is just shocking.
On the other hand all of the grown ups on the floor are doing the sensible thing and wearing face masks. Surprise!
On another note I had to turn off the debate as I wanted to throw my I-pad against the wall. What did we do to deserve this bunch of moral and ethic free black hole zones? I hate their country. I want my country back, face mask and all...