United Kingdom
Related: About this forumThe 'it's not terror related because he's white thing' (&violence against women motive is 'shrugs')
Incel goes on a violent rampage resulting in the deaths of 6 in Plymouth. Most deadly shooting event in UK for 11 years. His internet footprint is all about misogyny and violence and yet his actions are not terrorism, according to the police... 👀
Lone wolf narrative... cause male pale and stale cannot be perceived as a terrorist by the patriarchy. But the link between terrorism and male violence towards women must not be allowed to be overlooked, again.
Link to tweet

(20,219 posts)ariadne0614
(1,926 posts)One wonders how long it will take for the incels to align themselves with the Taliban, as they watch them overrun Afghanistan.
(9,685 posts)The Black Pill philosophy typically offers only two options for what to do with their new accepted reality: accept their fate as an incel or try to change society to their benefit—usually advocated as potentially achievable by means of mass violence and terror, not politics or other methods of change. “Copes” are looked down on as methods of coping with without changing the unjust system, including denying the reality of the Black Pill.
(65,608 posts)These people are victims of a world view that casts them as victims. Just because it's all made up doesn't lessen their pain, nor lessen the risk that a few of them will become incredibly violent. "It's all in your head" has never really worked as a therapy.
There's a global propaganda machine implemented through the internet. Some of it is random and some is very intentional. The outcome is terrible for democracy and human society.
(45,583 posts)ariadne0614
(1,926 posts)That's only one of myriad examples that "lookism" is BS. The idea that women (who have been objectified and rated on looks for millennia) choose mates based on looks is the most glaring and absurd form of projection I've encountered in ages. These days, that's saying a lot.
(1,926 posts)The information in the article does not bode well. This movement needs to be publicly examined and discussed in MSM.
(5,784 posts)acceptance one can find with any crazy conspiracy theory.
Without the instant access to others that reaffirm your own crazy, it might take a whole lot longer to manifest and perhaps never manifest.
The simple fact that you can spend hours online getting affirmation on your thoughts, imo, speeds up the process of extremist behavior.
(65,608 posts)ariadne0614
(1,926 posts)H2O Man
(76,221 posts)The crime is horrible, the "response" is terrible. Thank you for posting this.
(122,511 posts)Womn's Rights And Issues? Thanks in aadvance.
Thank you so much for posting this. It is indeedvfar past time to have this discussion, but I won't hold my breath, as we know that women simply are not human, or important.
You’ve reminded me of a t-shirt from the 70s: Feminism is the radical idea that women are people.
(122,511 posts)LiberalBrooke
(568 posts)I know I had one in the 70’s too but it is long gone and would be too small anyway.
(20,647 posts)In the summer of 2016, for example, when just two terrorist attacks in Florida and the south of France left 135 people dead and hundreds injured, both perpetrators claimed to be Islamists. But I was struck by the fact that each had a horrific record of domestic violence.
A year later, there were four fatal attacks in the UK and all six perpetrators turned out either to have abused women or, in one case, to have witnessed his father abusing his mother and sister. There were striking similarities between the histories of Darren Osborne, the rightwing extremist who drove a van into worshippers leaving a mosque in north London, and Khalid Masood, the Islamist who staged an attack on Westminster Bridge. Both men had criminal records for violent offences – and both had abused women.
I thought these cases challenged conventional wisdom about terrorism, which holds that it is all about ideology. Many fatal terrorist attacks actually appeared to be an escalation of violence that had been going on, sometimes for years, against members of the perpetrator’s family. I was convinced that the police and MI5 needed to change the way they assessed the risk posed by suspects, treating a history of domestic violence as a very significant red flag.
(122,511 posts)demonstrated connection between terrorism and domestic violence needs far more serious attention than it is getting. The history of domestic violence amoung the Jan. 6 insurrectionists receives scant mention,
Thanks in advance.
(47,866 posts)when their agendas sound very similar to terrorist groups like ISIS or Taliban but they're white (likely Christian) instead of middle eastern muslims. ISIS also has lone wolves. Being alone instead of aligned to an organization was never a requirement for terrorism.
The truth is white males don't want to be treated like brown males. hmm....Why? Are brown males viewed with prejudice and treated unfairly or something?
Cosmo Blues
(2,898 posts)They can't just accept the fact that they act like jerks with women
(103,158 posts)The Guardian understands Davison had to attend an anger management course to get his licence back, and months ago was classed by police as being fit again to possess the three-shot shotgun, despite earlier concerns.
In 2020 he had a row with two youths and was reported to police, but he had no previous offences and agreed to attend the course, sources said. The police watchdog, the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), will formally investigate the handling of his gun licence by police.
Jonathan Hall QC, the independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, told the Guardian: “Incel(dom) definitely can be an ideology for the purposes of terrorism. It always depends on the evidence, but if you kill people in a symbolic way because you hate what they represent within your ideology, it’s not a big stretch to conclude that killing them is in pursuance of an ideological cause.”
The condition of Davison’s mental health has been questioned, with one person familiar with his family claiming relatives had requested help from mental health authorities. Writing on Facebook, the neighbour said: “His family [pleaded] for help to the mental health team, the NHS basically said that they are short-staffed and that was it. The family even asked for the police to come out to see him as he was talking and acting strange but they didn’t do a welfare check.”
(41,318 posts)and yes, it's a form of terrorist ideology. They want to intimidate women and that feels like terrorism to this female.