"January ... February ... April ... March." Covid Vaccine Minister rejigs the calendar
Part-time Bond villain Nadhim Zahawi's performance in interview earlier today doesn't exactly reassure that the government has its ducks in a row with its Lockdown Roadmap (yeah, it's a Momentum video, but that's the account that posted it on Twitter).
Momentum 🌹
The Vaccines Minister claims, TWICE, in TWO separate interviews, that March comes after April.
[Twitter video]

I don't know what's worse:
- the fact he coldly, deliberatively and, by his own lights, logically sets out a timeline where the "three-week gap" between mid-April, when the government expects to have given the first vaccine dose to all over-50s, gives time for protection to kick in before schools open on 8 March
- the fact that seemingly none of the interviewers pick him up on it
- the creeping suspicion that when the Roadmap was discussed in Cabinet, either nobody saw the flaw in the timing, nobody was paying attention, or nobody wanted to be "that guy" who rocked the boat