Sign up to work the polls, please.
I saw this post in LBN about lawyers forming a group to protect poll workers from legal challenges and hassles. about this NPR article.
It has inspired me to post about the best way to get appointed as a poll worker your municipality in Wisconsin.
In Wisconsin, the local Dem party orgs can assign a share of poll workers in each municipality (coming up this November/December) for 2022-2023 election cycle. It's easy to do. Become a member of the party, then tell your county chair to appoint you as a poll worker in your municipality. There are a few hours training you have to do.
The best part about this is that if your clerk is a Republican, they can't not employ you on election day over other workers. You have to be involved. The clerk or election chief might give you low-level tasks to do rather than important stuff. They may also only work you part time (unless there are enough of you), but it gets you in the door to observe and challenge and make certain as much is done according to the rules and regulations as possible.
Take a day off of work for Democracy! Elections are in February, April, August, and November 2022.