West Virginia
Related: About this forumMy friend who is running for House of Delegates in the 24th needs help
Awhile back I posted about my friend, David Graham, who is running for the House of Delegates in WVa's 24th district. He has been making a lot of waves in the community there and he has a good chance of winning one of the two Democratic nominations for the House this spring if he can just continue to increase his name recognition and get his message out there to the voters.
This area is growing redder all the time, but despite all that, this very progressive candidate has been making positive waves in the community. Even in smaller state races like this, candidates can end up sacrificing a lot, especially when they aren't part of the well connected establishment cliques. This has been no exception for David Graham, who has been running as a REAL Democrat who wants to put the needs of coal miners and unions above coal companies and coal company CEOs. In order to push through to the finish line, he is going to need more money for his campaign.
So I'm posting this to ask any who are financially able and looking to support more local progressives to please look into this campaign and consider contributing to David Graham.
You can contribute to David Graham by visiting his campaign website here:
I can speak for David when I said that he is infinitely appreciative of any help anyone can lend to his campaign. This guy is the real deal and definitely the kind of new blood the leadership of my old home town needs.

(1 post)My election is unique because it will send a clear signal to the coal companies that have oppressed the people here in WV for decades. We have been living under the thumb of big coal companies for decades and I believe that it's time for that to change. I have many friends that share my progressive views helping me run this campaign. They understand that change in the coalfields will begin with this campaign!
I'm a displaced coal miner looking for work in a state that's ranked 46th in the U.S. in economic diversity. I support the WV Future Fund to promote economic diversification and workforce development in WV. We must focus on a transition in this state that will create a new economy for coal communities like mine. I support raising the minimum wage in WV and putting in place inflation indexing. I support raising teacher pay to a level that's competitive with the rest of the nation.
My opponents go to Charleston as Coal Company Delegates that produce legislation primarily in the interest of companies like Patriot, Arch Coal and Consol. One of the two current Delegates has been the lone Democrat to co-sponsor many bills with Republicans. These bills are death penalty bills and bills to implement drug testing for public assistance.
If there was ever an opportunity to promote a true Progressive agenda in WV, this is it! I need your support so I can win this election and keep WV Blue.