Judge hears arguments in WV governor's residency case
A Kanawha County judge heard arguments Wednesday on a motion to dismiss a legal challenge from a Democratic lawmaker seeking to compel Gov. Jim Justice to live in Charleston.
Delegate Isaac Sponaugle, D-Pendleton, filed a petition for writ of mandamus in September 2018. He alleged Justice lives at his home in Lewisburg, not the “seat of government,” as the state constitution and state law require.
Attorneys for the governor argue that it’s not the court’s role to tell the governor where to live, and that the concept of residency is too vague for a court to define and therefore enforce.
Circuit Judge Charles King did not immediately issue any ruling on the motion on Wednesday. Should he deny the motion, a fight over what information and documentation the governor must produce in the case is to follow.
Read more: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/politics/judge-hears-arguments-in-wv-governor-s-residency-case/article_6f192d95-6006-546e-86e2-1bf0c8b7a533.html