Meet Mike Coverdale, the thoughtful and driven Democratic challenger to State Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh
As Washington State Republican Party Chair Jim Walsh struggles to raise money and pitch a destructive slate of initiatives funded by one of his top donors, a U.S. Army veteran is challenging him for State House in Washington’s 19th Legislative District, which overlaps with much of the 3rd Congressional District in the state’s southwestern region.
Mike Coverdale, sixty-five, was motivated to run in part because of Walsh’s lack of effectiveness in the Legislature and his track record of bad decisions.
In a recent interview with the Northwest Progressive Institute, Coverdale discussed his challenging electoral work taking on a multi-term Republican incumbent in a rural coastal district that used to vote for Democrats, but is now all-Republican.
Coverdale grew up in Newport, and returned in the 1990s after a decade of flying helicopters in the Army and commercially. Since moving to Westport in 1990, Coverdale has been running a real estate firm. He has been engaged in local governance as well, holding roles in the Chamber of Commerce, on the City Planning Commission, and as chair of the County Board of Adjustments.