Ferguson makes case as best choice for governor
By The Herald Editorial Board
The decision by Gov. Jay Inslee not to seek a record fourth term — the state’s only other three-term governor being the late Dan Evans — opened the field for the office for the first time in 12 years.
And we do mean “open,” with a total of 28 candidates seeking the post in the primary election. Following the primary, however, the top two candidates were no surprise: current state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a Democrat, and former U.S. Rep. Dave Reichert, a Republican, offering voters qualified candidates to consider for the post.
Reichert, 74, served in the U.S. House from 2005 to 2019, and was King County Sheriff from 1997 to 2005, and led the investigation that captured the Green River serial killer in 2001.
As a matter of policy, the editorial board cannot endorse a candidate for state or local office unless that person has made his or her case to the board in an interview. While endorsements are made for specific candidates, the board strives to fairly represent to its readers the experience, qualifications and policy positions of all candidates interviewed. The board regrets the Reichert campaign’s decision to deny Herald readers that opportunity.
Ferguson was interviewed this week by the editorial board.