Richmond's top election officials committed fraud, wasted city funds and broke policies, probe finds
RICHMOND, Va. (WRIC) – An investigation found Richmond’s top two election officials abused their authority and broke city policies, including fraud, the misuse of city-issued credit cards, wasteful spending, drinking during work hours and not reporting complaints of domestic violence and sexual harassment.
Richmond Inspector General James Osuna and his office investigated the city’s elections office following claims of improper spending and nepotism against General Registrar Keith Balmer and his deputy, Jerry Richardson.
The IG’s investigation substantiated 25 of the 26 allegations reviewed, per the 24-page report shared with city officials and obtained by 8News on Monday. Osuna’s office doesn’t recommend any response to violations in the report.
Balmer and Richardson, the investigation found, abused their authority and wasted resources and funds in violation of multiple city policies.