VA-HD26: Outgoing Del. Kannan Srinivasan (D-HD26) Endorses Democrat JJ Singh to Succeed Him
Lots going on this morning with the HD26 Democratic nomination process. First, check out the list of Democratic candidates who the Loudoun County Democratic Committee has announced will be on the ballot this Saturday in its “firehouse caucus” process. Second, see below for the endorsement of Democratic candidate JJ Singh by current/outgoing Del. Kannan Srinivasan, who just won the Democratic nomination for the SD32 seat being vacated by Suhas Subramanyam, who is heading to Congress from VA10. Complicated! Finally, I’m hearing that one of the other Democratic HD26 campaigns (Arben Istrefi’s) has filed a formal challenge to Ibraheem Samirah’s residency and place on the HD26 Democratic ballot, arguing that “Samirah does not live in the HD26th District and therefore is not qualified to appear on the ballot” as, it argues, Samirah lives in Sterling, “voted in the 2024 Presidential General election from this address,” “voted in the 2024 SD32 primary from this address on November 16, 2024,” then “self certified to the HD26th Nominating Committee that he had moved into HD26 without producing a lease, or any other third party verification, beyond stating ‘I have registered in the District’.” Fun times, eh?
P.S. HD26 is a solid-“blue” district, so there shouldn’t be any danger of Democrats losing it to Republicans, but there’s certainly a lot of drama going on!