Transit Tensions: The Battle Over High-Speed Rail In DFW
The Political Roadblocks to Modern Transit in DFW.
In a “non-partisan” government, how can you tell who are the actual Republicans and who are the actual Democrats? The things they say and how they vote are often indicators. Are they forward-thinking? Are they reactionary?
I don’t regularly follow politics in other cities outside of Arlington, but I will tune in if something big happens. This week, I’ve been tuning into the Dallas City Council. I was surprised to see how many Republicans are sitting on the Council.
We all know that Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson recently switched parties, undoubtedly with what came with a hefty check and the disillusion that Republicans will continue to be competitive in statewide elections. However, the issue in the City of Dallas seems to go much deeper than that. We’ll get into that, but first thing is first.
Why was I watching Dallas City Council meetings?
The North Central Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG) - Regional Transportation Council (RTC) is a critical regional transportation policy body in North Central Texas. It serves a 16-county region centered around the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.