As The Special Session Clock Ticks Down, Patrick And Phelan Take Jabs
The people of Texas may be spared from a few of the GOP's sadistic priorities as Republican leaders refuse to work together.
Although Republicans have a super-majority in the Texas legislature, we still have checks and balances. No party or person is supposed to have excessive power so that we have a balanced and representative decision-making process. Lately, the Republicans who moved to Texas from other states have had much to say about this structure. Dan Patrick is one of them.
Yesterday, our Lt. Governor took to Twitter X to blame Dade Phelan for the lack of movement on school vouchers and the border bill. The last day of the special session is Tuesday (four days from now). Vouchers are dead. The $1.5 billion for a border wall that Abbott asked for is dead. The “Show Me Your Papers” bill is on the line. And it should go without saying teacher pay raises are dead.
This very public tiff between Dan Patrick and Dade Phelan started with Patrick, then after a back-and-forth, ended with him taking to middle-school insults.