Political Theater In The Republican Party Of Texas May Cause Popcorn Shortage
The Texas Republican Party is at a crossroads. Their growing divide has long-term implications and consequences in Texas politics.
There isn’t enough popcorn in the world to process the levels of depravity that the GOP Civil War has sunk to. Have you enjoyed watching the trainwreck that the Republican Party of Texas has become? I know I sure have, and there is no indication of it letting up anytime soon. They’re killing their party, depressing their base, and will ultimately push the state further left. This is great for us!
Yesterday, we saw a bitchslap of epic proportions when Tony Tinderholt took to the back mic to use the parliamentary inquiry process to ask Dade Phelan when he plans on apologizing to Ken Paxton for impeaching the crook.
Phelan *basically* said, “Bitch, quit asking stupid fucking questions and go sit your stupid ass down.” It was amazing. You can watch that exchange here: