The Republican Party Of Texas Falls Off The Rails As Nazigate Explodes
The line in the sand has been drawn. Team colors have been picked. It's going to get ugly.
The House and Senate both gaveled in today. Nothing exciting happened on the Senate side. They held a hearing on teacher pay raises. That passed and was voted out to the full Senate. The bill offers several things. Its better than nothing, but nowhere near what Democrats were asking for.
In the House, they gaveled in and passed a bipartisan resolution about Texas standing with Israel. It passed 147-0. They were wrapping up and scheduling to meet on Thursday for the first reading of bills (which will probably be heard in committee next week) when ol Mr. Tony Tinderholt made his way to the back mic to ask Speaker Phelan some questions. Check it out:
Tinderholts parliamentary inquiries concerned an audit for Ken Paxtons impeachment cost, which Tinderholt and some others on the far-right requested a few weeks back. The Speaker was having none of it. In Tinderholts last inquiry, he asked, Is the House dragging its feet because theyre afraid that the impeachment may exceed the $3 million that allegedly started the sham impeachment in motion?
Immediately, you can hear the gasps in the ooos of the other House members.