Pittsburgh's successful city deer cull should be expanded this year (Editorial)

The results of the City of Pittsburgh’s deer maintenance pilot program, executed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, demonstrate the viability of a larger bow sharpshooting operation in more city parks next year. Besides reducing the population of a nuisance species, the hunt yielded 2,360 pounds of ground venison, which contributed to nearly 10,000 meals for needy Pittsburgh families.
In one of the few recent public relations successes for city government, last September a social media meme announcing that “The City of Pittsburgh is seeking 30 archers” briefly went viral, as the announcement evoked images of a medieval tournament. Perhaps, some wondered, the champion would win the hand of an eligible maiden or bachelor.
Unfortunately the real purpose was far more prosaic — but also more important to the daily lives of city residents: There are too many deer in Pittsburgh, and someone has to kill them.
While hunting is seen in some circles as inherently cruel, when done right it’s a crucial aspect of the maintenance of the natural environment humans share with our fellow creatures. Too many deer isn’t just an inconvenience: It’s dangerous to human safety and to the biodiversity of the urban and suburban ecosystem. And bad for the deer themselves.
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Many Pennsylvania towns and cities are dealing with this problem!