About that last race that was decided by delayed ballot counting in Clackamas County---
Democratic race for Lake Oswego legislative seat just misses recount
By Dirk VanderHart (OPB)
June 14, 2022 9:49 a.m.
Certified results showed City Councilman Daniel Nguyen beat school board member Neelam Gupta by 28 votes.
The closest legislative contest in Oregon’s May primary isn’t going to a recount, by the barest of margins.
Certified results submitted to state elections officials Monday show that the two Democrats vying for a Lake Oswego state House district are separated by 28 votes. That’s just outside of the state’s threshold for an automatic recount, which would have been triggered if the margin had been 27 votes.
County elections offices in Oregon hand count a sample of ballots following elections to ensure that vote tallying machines performed properly, a process that kicked in after votes were certified Monday. Because of the flawed process in Clackamas County, Oregon Secretary of State Shemia Fagan announced last week she is requiring officials there to perform more extensive post-election audits than other counties.
It seems to me that Clackamas County has done some damage to the supreme confidence and pride Oregonians had in their electoral system.