UO suspends Chi Psi fraternity for a year due to hazing that included alcohol and marijuana
The University of Oregon has suspended the Chi Psi fraternity for a year because of hazing this spring that involved drinking and marijuana use.
During the fraternity’s spring new-member initiation, an undisclosed number of UO students “were subjected to hazing including intentional embarrassment, physical activity as punishment, coerced use of alcohol and marijuana, and activities intended to psychologically provoke,” Katy Larkin, associate director in the UO Office of the Dean of Students, wrote Monday in a decision letter to Chi Psi. The hazing occurred April 3 to May 1, according to the UO.
The UO provided the letter to The Register-Guard, but it blacked out the number of students who were hazed.
University officials determined that Chi Psi had violated the student conduct code, which prohibits hazing, and suspended the fraternity until Aug. 15, 2018. UO officials said that releasing the number of students would potentially identify them, in violation of federal student privacy law.
Read more: http://registerguard.com/rg/news/local/35726280-75/uo-suspends-chi-psi-fraternity-for-a-year-due-to-hazing-that-included-alcohol-and-marijuana.html.csp