Who's Running Against U.S. Rep. Greg Walden
The Democratic challengers are lining up to take on the architect of Trumpcare.
U.S. Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) has long enjoyed a safe seat in Oregon's 2nd Congressional District, which encompasses most of rural Oregon and stretches from the state's northeast corner to its southwest corner.
But the 10-term incumbent's work on President Donald Trump's health care proposal has opened the door to a challenge. In recent elections, Democrats have struggled to get 30 percent of the vote in a red district where Republicans outnumber Democrats 36 to 27 percent, or by about 45,000 voters. The opportunity: Non-affiliated voters and minor-party members compose a third of the district's electorate, and more constituents in Walden's district—129,000—gained new Medicaid coverage under Obamacare than in any other Republican-led district in the country.
Here are four Democrats lining up to challenge Walden next year.
Read more: http://www.wweek.com/news/2017/05/17/whos-running-against-rep-greg-walden/