Related: About this forumThree Malheur refuge occupiers claim to be on terrorist watchlist; evidence suggests it's true
Some Malheur National Wildlife Refuge occupiers appear to have jumped from one conflict with the federal government straight into another: At least three claim to now be in a federal database of known or suspected terrorists.
Jason Blomgren, 42, Jon Ritzheimer, 33, and Jeff Banta, 47, believe they're on the terrorist watch list, created in the wake of the 9/11 attacks to track people who could be a threat to national security.
All three said federal airport agents have pulled them out of regular screening lines to pat them down and question them when they've tried to fly. Ritzheimer also said he got extra scrutiny when police stopped him for a minor traffic accident.
They said their boarding passes get marked with "SSSS," widely acknowledged among civil rights attorneys as the U.S. Transportation Safety Administration's notice to give somebody special screening at the airport. Any law enforcement official checking Blomgren's criminal history could see a warning to approach him with caution because he may be a member of a terrorist organization.
Read more: http://www.oregonlive.com/oregon-standoff/2016/11/three_malheur_refuge_occupiers_claim_to_be_on_terrorist_watchlist_evidence_suggests_its_true.html

(40,416 posts)barbtries
(30,237 posts)if they all were.
(51,080 posts)Yogi
(658 posts)annabanana
(52,795 posts)mercuryblues
(15,470 posts)Now we should give them 50 acres to have their sovereign country and not allow them to enter the US.