Portman phone survey
Just finished a phone survey that was obviously Team Portman testing out negative messaging on Strickland for the 2016 Senate race. If those are the best lines they have, this might end up being a competitive race.
The question was "how would the following statements effect your opinion of Ted Strickland". Possible responses "Much/a little more positive, no difference, much/a little more negative.
In 2007 Strickland was invited to give a speech to ABCD (I don't remember the name), an organization that 3 weeks earlier had been listed on the FBI's list of Hamas supporters.
Strickland supports Obamacare.
Strickland opposes trade legislation that will create over 50,000 jobs in Ohio.
Strickland left Ohio with an $8 billion shortfall.
In 2008, Strickland's campaign manager described Strickland's economic policy as antiquated.
So who knows what'll happen but if this is the best they got, i'm hoping we can send Robbie boy back to the private law offices of Squire Sanders to ponder his future in the private sector.