TrumpCare (oxymoron) Vote is Thursday
Here is a sample letter you can send to your congress critter. This one was specifically designed for David Rouzer.
No On Trumpcare
Dear Rep. Rouzer: **
We are writing today in firm opposition to the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act with the American Health Care Act/Trumpcare.
While Trump promised to provide good coverage at much less cost, the plan currently moving through the House of Representatives violates that pledge for millions of Americans. It will provide big tax cuts for the wealthy, insurers and drug companies, and will put millions of lives in jeopardy.
In North Carolina, Trumpcare will increase costs of care and premiums by as much as $9,300 per enrollee per year by 2026 (which puts our state in the top ten in the country for cost increases), and would lead to 690,000 North Carolinians being uninsured by 2026. In addition, it would put healthcare out of reach for 1 in 4 uninsured North Carolina veterans.
Since the ACA went into law, the uninsured rate in NCs 7th Congressional District * has dropped by 6%, from 20.7 down to 14.7%. Repeal of the ACA and enactment of Trumpcare would have the following effects:
41,800 of your constituents who purchased high quality coverage through the ACA market stand to lose their coverage;
38,800 of your constituents who received financial assistance to purchase coverage in 2016 would be at risk of coverage becoming unaffordable if the premium tax credits are eliminated;
28,500 of your constituents who are receiving cost-sharing reductions to lower out-of-pocket
costs such as deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance would be at risk of health care becoming
26,400 of your constituents who could become eligible for Medicaid if the state expanded
Medicaid will now lose the opportunity to gain coverage.*
That translates into a lot of angry constituents.
A vote for Trumpcare jeopardizes the health and financial security of your constituents in order to provide tax cuts to the well-off. This is simply unconscionable in the wealthiest country in the world.
We will hold you accountable in November 2018.
Respectfully submitted, Add your name here
* substitute your statistics here
** substitute you congress critter here
NC districts
Via wikipedia's_congressional_districts
NOTE: Several of these districts have had their boundaries changed in 2016 due to a Federal Court ruling on racial gerrymandering resulting in redistricting by the state legislature. The court ordered map shown below is correct moving forward.

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North Carolina is a U.S. state with two senators, Tom Tillis & Richard Burr, in the United States Senate and 13 representatives in the United States House of Representatives.
More than 1 million North Carolinians would lose health insurance under the repeal. This is due to the loss of premium tax credits and the repeal of the individual mandate, as well as the near collapse of non-group health insurance markets.
Find the results for your district here:
Rise. Write. Resist.