I put this question to my state senator Jim Davis, who voted for HB-2
I encourage others, whose representative voted for this bill to ask this question:
Since transgender people exist and many do pass for the gender they identify as,
Since it is virtually impossible to get the gender on your birth certificate or driver's license changed,
Since people who pass as their identified gender are now legally obligated to use the bathrooms designated for the gender on their ID,
Since the net result of HB-2 (if followed or enforced) is sending more people who look like men into the women's room and people who look like women into the men's room,
Since acting like a creep in a public bathroom was already illegal,
Since anyone who would use the wrong bathroom to act like a creep, falsely claiming to be transgender, now has more cover rather than less (and will probably ignore the law anyway),
How does HB-2 do anything to keep sex offenders out of the wrong bathroom?
If you get an answer please post it.
A record of the House vote is here: http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/voteHistory/RollCallVoteTranscript.pl?sSession=2015E2&sChamber=H&RCS=9
A record of the Senate vote is here: http://www.ncleg.net/gascripts/voteHistory/RollCallVoteTranscript.pl?sSession=2015E2&sChamber=S&RCS=3