North Carolina
Related: About this forumWrite the NC House Democrats who voted with Republicans to pass HB 2
Last edited Sun Mar 27, 2016, 10:19 PM - Edit history (1)
I just sent the following e-mail to every one of the MALE (all of them male) NC House Democrats who voted to pass HB 2.
And yes, I found their names gleefully being promoted (with photos, too!) on the NC Republican website.
I would urge people to do something similar. I think it's entirely appropriate to not only shame these guys, but raise the question of their dedication to democratic government.
It took me about 15 minutes to write the letter and then use the NC Legislative website to pull up the e-mails for each man. You can find the 12 names on the Republican
website here:
and get their e-mails here:
The Representatives: Larry Bell, William Brisson, Elmer Floyd, Ken Goodman, Charles Graham, George Graham, Howard J. Hunter, III, Garland E Pierce, Robert T. Reives, II, William Richardson,
Brad Salmon, Michael Wray.
On edit: So it turns out that Robert T. Reives, II did NOT vote 'yes' on HB 2. That makes a total of 11 defections.
I am writing to let you know of my extreme disappointment in you--as a Democratic Representative in the NC House--voting with Republicans to rush HB 2 through a special session of the Legislature, without even an opportunity for the public to comment. That is not a fine example of representative democracy in action. You should be ashamed.
I am a 65 year old woman who has no fear of sharing a bathroom with a trans female. I have traveled across this country--and around the world--and suspect I've shared bathroom facilities more than once with a trans female, and indeed, in Europe where unisex bathrooms are quite common, come out of a stall to find a man washing his hands at the sink. We in the US are such puritanical prudes. Really, I wonder just who the perverts are in this situation, for men--and all you Democratic defectors who voted with Republicans to pass HB 2 were male--to be so obsessed with who is in what bathroom.
Leave aside the prurient interest in who is in what bathroom--because, really, heterosexual males have never needed a ruse to abuse, rape or batter women--what could you be thinking to vote to take away the authority of communities to address discrimination in their own way? HB 2 feels like a throwback to the pre-civil rights era in the South. Aren't you just a little bit suspicious that you've been used by your Republican colleagues? Are you aware that the NC Republican website is gleefully promoting the defection of the 12 (male) Democratic Representatives who voted to pass HB 2?
I close with providing a wonderful letter--which you may or may not have seen by now--written by a woman who happened to go to Chapel Hill High with my youngest son. She is a member of the United States Navy.
An Open Letter to North Carolinas General Assembly and Governor McCrory:
I write to you from Okinawa, Japan, where I am currently stationed as a member of the United States Navy. My wife and I are both active duty and have given up many things to serve our country. While I am stationed overseas, I am still a North Carolina resident and I have to say, I am appalled by what has been going on in our amazing state.
You see, I am completely astounded that while my wife and I are serving and protecting our country, our rights as American citizens are being taken away. When we return home, we can be refused jobs, housing, even entrance into establishments. People can post signs that say No Gays Allowed and we can be physically assaulted for being gay but it will not be prosecuted as a hate crime.
The way you did it only shows your true colors, giving the floor only five minutes to read it and shuffling it up the ranks in less than a day. It is as if you knew just how wrong it was. To use peoples ignorance and unfounded fear of transgender people using their bathrooms shows your cowardice. There was a time in our country when we segregated bathrooms and water fountains out of fear, let's not resort to that kind of ignorance and hatred again. More than anything, I just want to say, how dare you? How dare you take away my rights while I fight for yours?
North Carolinians will no longer stand for the injustices that this legislature continues to pass through the back door. We will not give up until every single one of you is out of office. Until then, you can expect endless protests that cause you nothing but trouble. Unfortunately, I cannot march to your office myself because I am busy fighting for the freedom you are trying so hard to remove. I promise you my friends and family will not let this stand. They will protest this injustice not only for themselves but for my fellow service members and me who cannot make it to your doorstep. I sincerely hope one day your hatred will subside and the gravity of your decision will weigh on your soul.
Until that day, we North Carolinians will not rest because we understand this fantastic country of ours was built on the idea of liberty and justice for all.
Megan Joan Willingham
*The views expressed in this statement do not represent the DOD or Department of the Navy*
(I signed my name and address)
(32,273 posts)After I sent this e-mail to all the Representatives (listed AND with photos on the Republican website) identified as voting to pass HB 2, I received
an e-mail back from Rep. Reives, II assistant. She attached a photocopy of the Roll call vote showing that Rep. Reives, II
voted no.
If he hasn't known this, I'll bet he'll be steaming when he finds out. Or maybe that's why she was so quick to reply because he's getting bombarded
from others, too.
(10,297 posts)to be a DINO who voted for Republican sponsored HB-2. In fact, Rep. Reives voted against HB-2. Some facts from Reive's political summary.
-- voted against HB-2
-- rated 7% by American Conservative Union (Lifetime Score (State Legislatures)) in 2015
-- rated 100% by ACLU of NC (Positions) in 2015
You can see why the Repugs want to create confusion about him. Just a few minutes ago, I verified that the Repug link mentioned in the OP still shows Rep. Reives photo as one of the DINOs who voted for HB-2. That's the way Repugs behave in NC.
(32,273 posts)about the error on the NC GOP website. Rep Reives told me he even spoke AGAINST the bill on the floor of the House.
So, you know the NC GOP have been notified from Reives' office to get his name and photo off of there.
They are such a bunch of lyin', bigoted, a$$holes.